Hello, my adjusted calcium is slightly low and I was told to take two of the tablets I had been taking which are 600mg (so having two would mean 1200mg a day). My bloods were tested again yesterday and my adjusted calcium level has remained the same. Has this happened to anyone else?! I'm not on medication that inhibits absorption.
Trying to find out why this might be, I read that the more you have in one go, the less you absorb. Is that right? And for maximum absorption it should be 500mg max at one time, with the rest a few later (if more is needed).
I took both together so wondering if that might be the reason, or whether it is better to have it in a different form. The tablets are calcium carbonate. I looked up calcium citrate and it says there is only 21% absorption compared to 40% absorption of calcium carbonate if latter is taken with a meal which I do. So I don't know if that will make a difference?
I have also read else where that calcium from algae is best - how does one make a decision?! I can't afford to try several different things.
I have used the University of Edinburgh's calcium calculator and get a lot of calcium through the food I eat.
Any help or insight is welcome!