how do people know that they have calcium that's required daily 1,200mgs,I don't eat dairy, I have alpro no sugars, and alpro yoghurt no sugars, you would have to stop in all day counting calcium, measuring yoghurt a bit messy wouldn't a calcium supplement be easier.
calcium : how do people know that they... - Bone Health and O...

A 100g portion of Alpro plain yoghourt has 120mg calcium. A 200ml portion of Alpro no sugars soya drink has 240mg calcium. Some cereals and other foods are fortified with calcium and will tell you how much calcium per portion. An orange contains 55mg. Two figs contain 65mg. Bread contains quite a bit of calcium, as do almonds and sesame seeds. If you have a balanced diet that contains fortified dairy substitutes, you should get enough calcium. You just need to work out how much of different calcium containing foods you eat and you can calculate from that how much calcium you're getting. There are various calcium calculators on the internet that can help with this.
that's a lot of alpro milk and yogurt, you can't stop in the house all the time measuring foods. how do you measure yogurt and other foods don't say how much calcium is in.
Just choose a day when you have some spare time and measure how much you eat at each meal, and in drinks and snacks. You'll know whether, for example, you have a handful of almonds every day, or just occasionally, whether you have fortified soya milk with your breakfast cereal every day, how many cups of tea with fortified soya milk you have, etc etc. Or you could use a calcium calculator like this one:
Met00 - I am new to this forum. I had a mild compression fracture at T12 and having been trying to find out how to help myself eat better, do appropriate exercise without causing more fractures, and to be sure I am getting enough supplements because I want to stop Prolia. My doc hasn't been helpful, but I am finding really good information on different internet sites. I have a little trouble with this site because I am in the USA and many of the comments are from people in the UK, which has a different type of health system. Thank you for the calcium calculator site. It will be really helpful.
Nexie, are you aware that you can't stop Prolia without going on to another osteoporosis medication, almost always a bisphosphonate (Alendronic Acid/Fosamax etc). Without using a relay medication, there's a very high risk of rebound fractures.
Start with the foods you eat / like most and work it out, write it down and make yourself a list of the calcium in the foods you eat most of.
Some of the foods will tell you the weight/ how much calcium etc they contain, the rest you can just weigh and work out for yourself.
Your portion sizes are likely to be the same size and you probably eat similar things every week so once you’ve worked it out once you’ll know roughly how much calcium is in each food.
thanks, but I am going to take some calcium citrate, because there is only alpro milk and alpro yoghurt that says how much calcium there is,and measuring yoghurt is messy, and the wholegrain bread or any bread doesn't say how much calcium there is,I think with severe osteoporosis it's best to take a calcium supplement, not long ago oncologist said to take a calcium supplement, I tried adcal-d3 but stopped after getting constipation, it's hard work.