it's hard work trying to absorb calcium and nutrients because there is that many foods that block each other from being absorbed like phytates and oxalates and other things when eaten together, there is even phytates in alpro milk that I take for calcium, I think I need a calcium supplement.
absorbing calcium and nutrients - Bone Health and O...
absorbing calcium and nutrients

any tips how to best absorb calcium from diet. I didn’t realise other foods hindered absorption.
I think it's best to try and have your calcium separate from foods that contain phytates and oxalates I know its difficult, try the search button regarding foods that contain phytates and oxalates.
Hello Radars, I thought that you had spoken to your GP and your blood calcium levels were within the healthy range so you didn’t need to supplement? You castor always try a low dose supplement if you feel you need it I don’t think it would do you any harm. I don’t personally supplement due to good blood levels and supplements have always upset my tummy. Good luck x
hi,still waiting for gp to get in touch regarding my spinal x-ray, the surgery receptionist wouldn't print my results off for me because the gp hasn't seen the results yet really slow when he gets in touch I will ask about calcium supplement because with severe osteoporosis I might need one.
Oh I see I thought you had spoken to the gp when they called you on that Sunday recently I thought they said your blood levels were ok but I am easily mixed up these days when I’m in pain with little sleep my brain turns to mush so sorry about that. Let me know if you hear anything and take care I hope your pain is doing ok x
yeah 1 gp is saying 1 thing and another gp saying another, the latest face to face appointment he said we will see what your lumbar spine results are first before we decide on calcium supplement, I know before my next infusion I will probably have to take a calcium supplement don't want to end up in hospital again after last time peeing blood.
Yes we definitely don’t want that!!! Was that down to the infusion? I didn’t realise low calcium could cause that wow that’s scary. Hopefully you will find out soon and it will be a good doctor who can explain properly what you need to do. I never got on with supplements but I’m sure you will find a good one x
just got results of my spinal x-ray, mild to moderate wedge compression fracture of t12 no other fracture demonstrated,lumbar spine tenderness, low calcium. I am supposed to have follow up from gp but he hasn't been in touch.
That’s good that there wasn’t any extra than you were already told so I hope that helps put your mind at ease. Maybe you should book an appointment with the gp to discuss the results and supplements if needed? They are rubbish about following up so it’s better to chase now they have all the information. I hope you are having a good week. Take care x
yeah,I forgot to say it is l5 now and not l1,I thought wedge compression fractures was worse
I’m not sure what’s worse it all depends on the person and how it feels any fracture isn’t good but I’m glad you have all the information and hopefully a gp can talk you through it and advise based on the results and your medical history the last one you saw sounded good as they wanted the results before making you supplement etc so maybe see if you can go back to the same one. Keep me posted, how are you doing with the pain? Hope you are ok and still able to do the things you want. Any news on the copd tests etc or have they stopped those how they know about the fractures?x
just have to wait for gp now, I phoned the royal osteoporosis society today, and asked her about phytates and oxalates in food blocking calcium and she said they don't block all the calcium, because it's a load of pratting about, just stick to your diet .
That’s good as I know you were worried about that, I just get mine from the almond milk and that seems to work for me drinking 1Ltr of that keeps me in the healthy range as my food diet is very limited I don’t have any milk or cheese or any of the healthy fibre foods which I know are usually good for calcium and vitamins so if I can be in the healthy range with such a limited diet it shows the almond milk must be good so it’s worth a try if you haven’t had it but I do drink the whole carton every day.
I would phone the doctors and try to get an appointment with the doctor you saw last as you could be waiting forever for them to think to contact you I know mine certainly wouldn’t bother unless I make the appointment x
I drink unsweetened alpro soya milk similar to almond, also alpro unsweetened yogurt with fruit. I have been in touch with my surgery its a form you fill in online, I also put I was supposed to have a follow up which I have not had, they replied will be in touch in about 10 days, it's hard work, is your pain anybetter,just been watching gps behind closed doors, a woman came in helped by her husband she could hardly walk and was in agony, she had a wedge fracture, she was sent to physiotherapy but it doesn't seem to be doing much good, I thought hope I'm not like that it makes you think.
I drink the Alpro unsweetened almond milk and I had a look at the soya one now and they have the same amount of the vitamins so if you drink the carton of the soya you will get 150% but your soya is better than mine for protein so that will help your muscles as well which is a plus I just can’t tolerate soya but it’s certainly a good one for you.
That’s annoying about the surgery always have a reason to delay things but at least you are on the case now and 10 days will go quickly hopefully then you will know how to move forward.
It is scary with fractures the spine has always been my biggest worry with osteoporosis for that reason but they effect us all in different ways some people like you who are clearly fit and strong so the pain hasn’t taken you over as I’m sure your muscles will be helping to hold things together as that’s how I was when I broke my hip I was much better health wise I mean it still absolutely killed me pain wise but I just forced myself to carry on and still went to the gym only on that recliner bike to keep strength it the muscles which held the bones in place the doctors went crazy when I told them but then they did admit without me doing the exercises I would of needed surgery so I was lucky but that was back in 2011 so my health has changed a lot since then.
I have faith that you won’t end up but I totally relate to your fear of things getting worse but you are doing all rhe right things.
Thank you for asking about my pain it isn’t good the patches have too many side effects and don’t really help so I talk to the pain man again on Monday so hopefully he can come up with something better.
Keep me posted how you get on and I’m always here even tho I’m not much help I do understand x
The problem is that the calcium shown up in bloods does not tell us how much calcium is actually in the bones
Than how do doctors know how much is in our bones?? Makes no sense to me
The calcium level in the bones is shown on the Dexa scan results. Calcium level in the blood is not the same as in the bones.
Then why so they bother even checking the calcium level via blood tests?? Plus why does my blood calcium have to be a certain level to have the infusions?? The blood calcium level must mean something surely?)
I don't think the gps know because I said to a gp before a blood test that they don't show the proper level of calcium he didn't know.
I just wonder why it’s checked as protocol by the specialist doctors that recommend the infusions it has to hold some meaning. I get the gps are pretty useless but I do think the specialists understand
when I had my infusion they asked if I had been taking a calcium supplement I said no,so she looked at my blood test results and said I'm ok,I ended up in hospital the next day peeing blood, I bet that's because not enough calcium.
Was that actually down to the infusion? I thought that was something else that caused the peeing blood as they put you in antibiotics not calcium supplements…x
they put me on a drip in hospital which contained calcium carbonate with colecaliceferon d3 forte and evacal d3
Oh wow I didn’t realise that 😱 that’s so scary I’m glad I’m not having my last infusion this year after knowing that!!!
yeah they sent me home in the morning with antibiotics, I am still waiting for a follow up from gp regarding the results of my spinal x-ray, when I went down to the surgery they said we can't give you the results till gp has seen them and he still has not been in touch plus a calcium supplement yes or no.
That’s ridiculous you have been waiting ages as they have had the results for long enough now. Why don’t you phone up on Monday and just book and appointment with the doctor yourself and force them to look at the results that way to speed things up for you? Take care and I hope you have a good weekend x
thanks, I have put a klinik request for a appointment 2wks ago God knows how long that will take, and my hip is beginning to get more painful now so I will ask him what's what, it's hard work. ×
That’s so annoying maybe you could call up or go in and say you requested an app 2 weeks ago and haven’t heard anything as I know the online things tend to get overlooked so it might just speed things up if you chase it.
Sorry about your hip I do feel your pain mine get really painful if I sit for too long but that’s mainly after breaking one of them but they are ok I just feel them more in the colder weather. A hot bath might help with some Epsom salts just to relax things x
Hi Radars. My surgery gave me a link to my medical records on line. I had a spinal xray before xmas and wanted the result. It didn't give much detail just 2 fractures and which ones. Ten days later, I got the call from the surgery yesterday which said some fractures.
We have a right to know our results whether the doctor has seen them or not. We don't have to be demanding, we know doctors have impossible case loads, maybe some receptionists aren't aware of our rights. I did not know we could see our medical records electronically and I'm not too hot with digital internet stuff....but even I was able to follow the simple instructions I was given with the link.
Just thought I'd share that with you. I recently gave another friend the confidence to be assertive with her receptionist about her results for something else. Di Doh xx
I would check with your GP to find the answer to that.
Hi. Minerals including calcium all work together and the body works hard to keep a healthy balance in the blood. Our bones can act as a bank. For instance if we have too much phosphorous maybe from fizzy drinks, the balance will be kept in the blood by borrowing the extra calcium from the bones. There has never been a double blind study to say that calcium supplements help with osteoporosis or how too much may affect us. In my nutrition studies we were always warned about the dangers of calcium supplements, especially if the body is unable to absorb them.
Even so I took Adcal as prescribed because I trusted that the doctors know best. I soon had little lumps under my skin which my doctor said could be calcium deposits. I have since discovered from another GP that nutrition is not an important part of doctors training...he said his wife knew more than he did even though she was not a health professional. I then researched and found plenty of videos on you tube where professionals explain the dangers of these supplements, even those which are better absorbed by the body.
It's really hard. I've recently had two more vertebral fractures and find myself tempted to take calcium again. I'm thinking maybe if I break them up and take less of it at the same time. At the moment I'm eating a lot of tinned salmon with the bones. I've looked for mackerell with bones and am unable to find them on supermarket shelves. They are all without skin and bones.
Last week I watched a webinar on Osteoporosis. For 7 days there were about seven or 8 health professionals sharing their knowledge and experience with osteoporosis clients. I've always been glad to live in England but now I'm envious of the medics available to help those like us. These doctors investigated the cause in each patient as individuals and corrected the root causes using medication as a top up instead of the main treatment.
Some of us have blood tests in the UK, one of my results was high in something or other. When I asked what that indicated they could not tell me. Next week I have another bone scan and know they will want me to take biphosphanates again. My mother had necrosis of the jaw from it so I have refused it so far.
The webinar is being repeated next week. To be honest there was so much information it was hard not to be overwhelmed by it all. Oxylates and phytates was covered within it and I have started to eat fermented foods as a result of watching it. One thing that most of the speakers said was that 9 out of ten clients had inflammation contributing to bone loss from eating wheat and dairy...even though they may have had no symptoms.
Sorry I'm wittering on. I was just so with your conversation and the dilemma about calcium etc. Di Doh
hi,good read I have severe osteoporosis and I have been thinking about taking a calcium supplement after reading that oxalates and phytates block calcium absorption, you say wheat is not good for bones I have just started eating Ezekiel sprouted grain bread that contains wheat but sprouted grain bread is good for osteoporosis, if you look on the royal osteoporosis society website they say wheat and sprouted grain bread is good.
For bone and immune support.
They are calcium and vitamin D3 gummies.
These do NOT cause constipation.
In fact they will help with the bowels for some people.
They are best value bought in bulk online.
I have not been an able to write for last months as I have had 5 more spinal fractures.
Please do not be offended if I do not reply as I am not in a good place right now and have had to dictate this for you. Now I have at least 15 fractures in my spine.
Keep going Radars and keep moving.
Aw I empathize. I have 9 maybe 10 fractures. MRI next week will show it. I can usually tell by the muscle pain in back and around stomach when another vertebrae has let go. The current escalation in pain and which mucles are involved, would indicate a new fracture. I've lost 30 lbs. since the fractures began. Finally got my referral to an Osteoporosis Specialist for next week. Hope she knows more than my Rheumatologist. Take care and please don't worry about replying. I get it.🌹
sorry to hear regarding your problems, have you had any op drugs at all, I am t12 and I have a mild thoracic fracture at the moment.
Hi Radars. I had a Zolendronic infusion in October. Whether it's kicked in...had a fracture at T12 since then. So I don't know if it's working. Maybe too soon. GP and rheumy didn't know. Take K2, D3 (3000) and 1000 mg. Calcium in my Tums. Time will tell. I do see more vertebroplasties in my future though. I see an O specialst next week, so maybe she will be able to shed more light. Take care Radars.
thanks, I had a reclast infusion last April like you don't know if it's doing any good 2nd one coming up it took a lot of thinking wether to have it after reading all the stories regarding side effects, after having my first one I was in a/e the next day peeing blood, it was a urinary trac infection put me on a drip all night then sent me home with antibiotics that cleared it up,been ok since then, I don't know wether to take a calcium supplement have to see gp.
Always something with this. I have bloods this aft and will get the calcium checked. The side effects are scary, but remote; so says my rheumy. One day at a time. A huge problem, as I'm taking tylenol with codeine, is constipation. I've asked for fentanyl patches, but they have to be Rx thru the Pain Clinic as they are a narcotic. On a wait list for that.
Hi Radars….just to clarify …t12 refers to number 12 of your thoracic spine, it sits above your top lumbar spine known as L1….t12 isn’t a condition. Best wishes.
thanks, when I had my dexa scan in 2022,it was-2.5,4.1 lumbar spine, bmd at femoral neck 0.593, vfa superior end-plate deformity at t12, I have recently had a x-ray of my thoracic spine I have a mild superior end-plate fracture at l1 ,otherwise normal vertebral alignment, vertebral body height and disc height maintained, the posterior elements appear intact as far as can be assessed on plain film, I have also just had a lumbar spine x-ray but no results yet, so what do you think,
Hi there. I'm sending you an angel and a rainbow to go with your sun sea and sand. Do you know that simply seeing the name you chose, lifts my spirits and puts a smile on my face? I don't often comment on this platform but I do feel some of us have a connection which does not have to be spoken. Have the best day you can and know that many of us are with you. Di Doh xx
Thank you for your thoughtful message ( which has lifted my spirits ☺️) it is lovely to hear that my chosen name has helped to lift your spirits and put a smile on your face.
I have not been posting for sometime as the fractures have come in greater numbers and more frequently.
I hope to post again soon as perhaps having lived with osteoporosis for 20 years now I could possibly have some kind of input. xx
so if you take calcium at night is it then best to take well after evening meal?
I take calcium supplements before I go to bed. There are studies that show that women who take calcium later at night have lower PTH levels in the morning. Also, I aim for no more than 300-500 mg of calcium at one time. The max amnt of calcium we can absorb at one time is around 500 mg. Additionally, because calcium and magnesium compete for uptake, I try to keep the amnt of calcium I get at one time closer to the 300 mg range, that way if there is any magnesium in my meal/food my body might absorb it as well as the calcium.
thanks, but calcium and magnesium supplements work together.
You’re welcome but I believe you misinterpreted what I wrote. I use Jarrows BoneUp which contains calcium and magnesium but in hopefully “optimal” proportions.
thanks yeah but the kind of magnesium in jarrow isn't very good
I know it’s not the most bioavailable but I opted for Jarrows because of the calcium in it, microcrystalline hydroxyapitate. I also take 100 mg of magnesium citrate twice a day, one in the afternoon and one later when I take a 200 mg citracal petite.
yeah I have had 1 infusion of zoledronic acid and citrical petite reduces the absorption of bisphosphonates,
Maintaining calcium intake is imperative when you are on osteo-meds that interfere with resorption, which is what bisphosphonates do.
Calcium in general can interfere with the absorption/effectiveness of several different medications, oral bisphosphonates, levothyroxine etc. follow this link for others
If you take oral bisphosphonates you can still take calcium citrate you just don’t want to take both at the same time. I waited at least 4 hours when I took alendronate.
It’s been over 2 yrs since my 1 and only zoledronic acid infusion. I don’t remember all of the instructions I was given prior to the infusion but I know I followed them. They might tell you to avoid calcium supplements within a certain time period around the infusion but after that time frame is up they 100% encourage getting the 1200 mg of calcium via diet/supplements and you can take calcium citrate.
thankyou, I am due my second infusion in April, so do you think I am better taking some calcium citrate. but how much. I was led to believe to take a calcium supplement prior to zoledronic acid infusion.
You can verify with your doctor, but I would not be worried about taking calcium citrate on a daily basis right now, meaning this far in advance of your infusion it should be fine to take calcium supplements. The infusion center should give you the requirements, or steps to follow, leading up to and after the infusion. I honestly don’t remember if I was told to skip my calcium supplements they say if the infusion so it would be best to check w/ the infusion center.
I’m going from memory here but a few things I know they require/suggest are prior to and following the infusion that you drink plenty of water and you have to have kidney and calcium lab work w/i 30 days of the infusion—your blood calcium levels have to be normal and you can’t have kidney issues. I’m also pretty sure that I was instructed to take tylenol (no NSAIDs) with plenty of water before getting the infusion and then after the infusion before bed to take 2 more tylenol with plenty of water (no NSAIDs). Also the infusion should be administered over at least 15 minutes. For some ppl there is a reason to increase this to 30 minutes. My infusion was given over 15 minutes.
Have you had another DEXA and/or BTM (bone turnover marker) labs since your 1st zoledronic acid infusion? Are you seeing an improvement in your BMD?
I have just got the results of my lumbar spine x-ray, mild to moderate wedge compression fracture of t12 no other fracture demonstrated, osteoporosis lumbar spine tenderness, low calcium, thoracic radiograph showed l1 fracture, assess lumbar spine. lumbar spine reference radiography of the thoracic spine 12/12/23,no lumbar spine demonstrated, with the benefit of identifying l5,the previously demonstrated mild to moderate wedge compression fracture is of t12 rather than l1,vertebral body heights and alignment are otherwise preserved, marked facet arthropathy in the lumbar spine, mild to moderate wedge compression fracture of t12, no other fracture demonstrated. can you understand that have to make an appointment with gp, there was supposed to be a follow up but no.
I had my dexa scan in 2022 my bmd was 0.593I have got a blood form to have about 2wks before the infusion ,when I had my 1st infusion I had to go to a/e in the middle of the night peeing blood, urinary trac infection, gp said it won't be the infusion ,a load of rubbish I have never had anything like that before.
Hi Radars, I feel like I'm getting to know you now...hope you don't mind my chiming in again.
My husband is all about the foods that block calcium and trying to eat accordingly. It has really (further) limited his diet, since like most of us, he's not able to just stay home and time when he eats what. He also was diagnosed with "mild" osteoporosis in his spine (at age 59,) has his first post-diagnosis DEXA in February. It will be interesting to see. He took about 4 months of Fosamax...maybe a year ago, otherwise has been pharmaceutical-free.
He hasn't had any tests to determine why he has osteoporosis at such a young age; he just assumed it was because he ate almonds with his Greek yogurt, etc. (All the things he liked to eat seemed to block absorption of calcium.)
I have not adjusted my diet to that degree, and I'm not taking calcium supplements any more. Not sure if you saw my post from a couple of days ago, but on my first DEXA since diagnosis, my hips showed about 4% improvement, which was great, I thought, until he showed me my spine score: 14.6% improvement! (Same machine, different tech, but he seemed very conscious of the need to duplicate everything.) I'm not in the -4's any more! I'm -3.9! Still "severe" but way less scary than -4.6!
Does that mean one needn't be concerned with phytates and oxylates? I don't know! I worked on absorption generally--avoiding gluten, sugar/artificial sweeteners, adding pro and idea if my "gut" is improved. Maybe the key was Vit K2 MK7, getting my vit D level higher...taking magnesium glycinate instead of citrate, maybe it was the boron (which is supposed to help with absorption of both magnesium and calcium.) Or all if the above. All I know is, I'm making progress without pharmaceuticals (which is important for me, I think, being "yoing" for osteoporosis.) And I have barely gotten started on the heavy weight lifting.
For whatever all of that is worth....