I have been reading that a blood test for calcium is not accurate, it does not show how much calcium is in your bones, so how do you know if you need a calcium supplement and that too much calcium is not good.
calcium levels : I have been reading... - Bone Health and O...
calcium levels

That is why I do not take calcium tablets. I get enough calcium via my diet. I take K2 as well and hope that does its good work and takes the calcium from my diet to the right place!
I can't have dairy because of my prostate cancer, I use alpro milk and yogurt dairy free don't know if that's enough.
I checked with my GP years ago and whilst at the appointment he gave me a form to tick what calcium products I ate daily. I passed the test of taking in enough calcium and he discontinued prescribing the calcium and vit d tablets and from then on has only prescribed vit d for me now.
yeah it's easier if you can eat dairy, harder if you can't
Hi Radars! See the reply to ‘MayGodBlessYou’s’ …from ROSAdmin2. It should be really helpful. Good luck.
thanks but most of it is dairy which I don't do due to my prostate cancer, calcium is a bit dodgy too but I have to have it with osteoporosis.
Hi there. I'm intolerant to dairy, have severe osteoporosis and do not take calcium supplements. Other foods contain calcium. Simply ask google for a list of calcium rich foods, pick the ones you like, disguise the ones you don't. Google will also tell you recommended daily amounts. You only need to make your list and add up amounts once, then refer to it now and then.
There has never been a double blind study to show that calcium supplements help, I'm bemused how it is prescribed. I took them for a while because I thought the doctor would know best.....despite the fact that my studies in nutrition taught me that the balance of calcium to other minerals is very important. I started getting little lumps under my skin which I have not got rid of. Doc says calcium deposits. A little more research told me this calcium can clog our arteries.
The reason blood tests can't help us is because the body automatically keeps the balance of calcium and phosphorus optimal. If we have too much phosphorus, the body borrows calcium from our teeth and bones. When it doesn't get paid back, it contributes to osteoporosis. One thing high in phosphoric acid is fizzy drinks. Best thing I ever did was to stop the Adcal and stop having fizzy drinks.....although soda water and carbonated water is ok.
Di doh
google.com/search?q=dairy%2... if this link doesn’t work but it’s a PDF document from Oxford z university Hospital called Calcium for Bones, dairy free diet….Just Google that if the link doesn’t work.
There is also a 24 hr urine calcium test.