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British Heart Foundation

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All posts for May 2022

Light headed and warm legs

Good morning, Had a bypass and new valve in November 21 and seemed to be recover...
Mog06 profile image

Jumping jacks

Good morning hearties . I’ve had this for a while now and I don’t know weither t...
Hidden profile image

Bradycardia and bisoprolol.

Morning all, Past 2 years been diagnosed with bradycardia, mild lvh and mild mv...
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No Doctor is listening or beleive me I am waiting to have a heart attack

Male 26 white 6ft 350 pounds History of acid reflux been on lanzprozole for 5 ye...
helpmexo profile image

Brugada syndrome recently diagnosed

Hi. Recently diagnosed with brugada syndrome and just looking to chat with anyo...
Brugada profile image

To blue 1958

Hi again forgot to say my meds are bisoprolol for heart rate simvastatin and lan...
Dogchasers profile image

Why am I exhausted

Hi everyone thanks for the replies I know it was a vague question but I didn’t k...
Dogchasers profile image


I’ve been on Atorvastatin for about 8mths and the last 3 months my legs are ach...
Atma123 profile image

Feeling worse on Entresto.

Hi All. Be grateful for any advice. I am an almost 74 year old Male. My diagnos...
Barnetfc1 profile image

Aortic valve replacement

Good morning all, New to the forum so wanted to introduce myself. Waiting to hav...
Mitchpoppy profile image

Echocardiogram result

I've just had the result of my echocardiogram (I have PAF). It doesn't sound too...

Cabg issues

Here is an update, my dad was in a coma from december to february. He came home ...

Pillow recommendations please

Hi, had OHS last Wednesday, came home yesterday and thought I would sleep like a...
dubsta profile image


Morning all, I've recently found out I've got a LAE (Left Atrium Enlargment) I'm...
CourtsL profile image

This is me.

I am a 58 yr old single female living in Oregon in the USA. I have no family or ...

I year since my aortic valve replacement

Apologies for not being on here for a while ( I belong to a fb group which is ma...
Isobel1 profile image

Phenergan tablets.

Telephone consultation with Cardiologist on Monday 9th May. Pleased with ECG @ E...
Bishop1 profile image

Why am I tired

After a shock diagnosis I had a quadruple bypass 4 years ago.Now I’m finding aft...
Dogchasers profile image

Why am I exhausted

Had a quadruple bypass 4years ago,was as good as new for a couple of years then ...


Dear All My husbandhad a quadruple bypass 13 weeks ago. He is feeling a strange ...
SRDS profile image


hi all i joined yesterday and had some great and helpful feedback, Thank you, i ...
seaphin profile image

Cardiac Arrest survivor

Hi everyone, new here so just a quick (or not) intro; isn't it great to be alive...
Androidius profile image

UCLH Outpatients

Anyone who attends UCLH outpatients have their appointment delayed or reschedule...
Seaguller profile image

Moving Heart Hospital

For a variety of personal reasons, I am investigating moving to an alternative c...
Seaguller profile image

Heart Attack now angina

Had a heart attack last August fit healthy 54yr old resulting in 2 stents fittin...
RosieRob profile image

LBBB and Normal Heart

I had LBBB from last year. One year follow up. Yesterday, I went to see my Car...
tinylady2021 profile image

Heart ache - stress different from exercise (angina?)

I'm interested in my different kind of aches! I used to have angina, from exerci...

Worried wife now less worried!

Roger has now been home a week slowly recovering sleeping ok with no AF problems...
RevRog profile image

Awaiting test results.

Morning all So yet again I'm playing the waiting game after having a holter moni...
Hidden profile image

Inclisiran study Update

I noticed Inclisiran mentioned today in another post here. SEE...
Kristin1812 profile image
Heart Star