No Doctor is listening or beleive me ... - British Heart Fou...

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No Doctor is listening or beleive me I am waiting to have a heart attack

helpmexo profile image
14 Replies

Male 26 white 6ft 350 pounds History of acid reflux been on lanzprozole for 5 years had endoscopys done in past few years but no sign of if, but when I stop medication I get symptomes of tasting acid in my throat. 8 years on ramiprill for high blood pressue. Ashama when I was a child. Started fluoxetine on 6th January. Ever since start of the year I have been having these "episdoes" what are like my heart feels like it stops for a second or two then starts again I have seen them a few times on a pulse oximeter on the bottom the waves when your heart beat it goes up when I have these horrible feelings in chest the line goes flat untill it goes away and normal heart beat shows., Other times my heart goes out of rhyme I can feel a strange sensation in my chest and when I feel my pulse It is all over the place but then within 10-20 seconds it goes back to normal, this tends to happen more then im out walking and my heart rate is up. I have had 24 hour ecg "which I hardly had any symptomes at the time 2 months ago" which came back normal. I have had many ECG done at a and e which was normal. I am just waiting to die at the moment waiting for that heartattack cause no doctor beleives me or listens to me, They say im fine. I cleary have a heart condetion which is getting worse at the time.

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helpmexo profile image
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14 Replies
lettingoffsteam profile image

Hi Helpmexo, It seems as though you are suffering from ectopic beats of your heart.I have those too and they are very unpleasant but you've been checked out for dangerous arrhythmias with the ECG so please try to be reassured.I find stress makes things so much worse.The Arrhythmia Alliance page is full of folk like is who'll know just how you feel so have a look there. Good luck!

Mentdent profile image

At your size if you don’t have a heart condition now you probably will have soon. I was 6ft 5inch and 300 pounds and quite fit. Not fat just heavily muscled and although that might have been OK as a young man it’s no good as you get older. It’s taken some while but I now weigh 235 pounds. The reality is that very big people don’t live long.

EJhn profile image

I think it’s a vicious circle because worrying makes us more aware of our heart rhythm. I was surprised to get a diagnosis of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy last August, out of the blue, and since then my anxiety level is through the roof and I am constantly aware of my heart beats. Almost wish I didn’t know about the condition . . . . Life was easier before I knew

Dear helpmexo

I read your post a few times before I could see if there was anything that I could reply to it that would be a help to you.

It is not for me to judge you in anyway and I hope that this reply does not seem so. First I am not medically trained and even the few on here that are it would be hard to give you any form of diagnosis on here with the information that you have presented.

Your tummy troubles can be linked to your heart ones, a lot of heart problems are masked with acid reflux and heart burn as they give the same sort of symptoms. {A&E is full of people with very bad wind thinking they are having a heart attack}

This is all just words from me to help you understand that you must at some stage of your diagnosis start believing in the medical profession that is treating you, even if you don’t agree with their findings.

You need to begin to work with your DR/medical team on forming a relationship, there is a reason why you have been told that “everything is ok” and you need to ask them to back up that reason so you understand it {or can go against it }

Reading between the lines of your post your anxiety seems to blast out and I think that needs to be addressed. One of the first things you mention is your weight, if that is a problem to you then that also need to be addressed.

You seem so desperate to get answers that you want to hear that you maybe missing the ones that you have already been given.

Take care and please keep us informed as you progress.

I can't comment on your possible heart condition. However, if you are 350lb (160kg), in my view you really do need to lose some weight, and a lot of it. That will help your heart and perhaps your acid reflux, especially if you have a hiatus hernia, let alone any other conditions associated with being obese. There are many ways to lose weight, but cutting down or better cutting out sugary snacks and drinks is the first big step, coupled with regular exercise, whilst setting yourself modest achievable targets along the way without becoming obsessive about it and/or making your revised eating plan boring. And the big bonus is you will start to look and feel better as you lose weight.

Barle profile image

I found it very unsettling that a 26 year old was "waiting to die". You should be in the prime of your life. I wish I was 26 again! I don’t know whether this helps but here's my penny worth:

The first thing you should do is seek help for your anxiety - preferbly counselling rather than more pills. I have ectopic beats (which it sounds like you have). Once you are aware of them, you become hyper sensitive. They are also made worse by worrying about them!! So you need to get out of this vicious cycle.

The next thing is that you are seriously overweight - with all the potential health issues that come with it. So, you need to take positive steps to reduce your weight. Being part of a programme is really useful: try Weightwatchers, or equivalent.

I suffered acid reflux overnight until a doctor gave me some basic advice. Try the following:

- Do not eat a heavy meal in the evening - space out your meals during the day.

- Do not eat or drink for 3 hours prior to bed

- Avoid spicy food and gassy and alcoholic drinks

- Use blocks to raise the head of your bed - so you are sleeping down a gentle slope.

- (Again) lose weight

Hopefully, taking some positive steps will make you'll feel better - more in control.

All the best.

in reply to Barle

'Avoid spicy food and gassy and alcoholic drinks'.....

To that add onions, tomatoes, citric fruits, and anything that is unduly acidic like pickles, large quantities of strong coffee, and importantly large meals.

Everyone with reflux disease will also find their own triggers, mine are green peppers, and the same goes for food and drink you can tolerate. But if you a have period of feeling uncomfortable, go back to basics with small bland meals, and then give it a week or two to settle down again.

The principal things that drive reflux disease are leakage back into the oesophagus caused by gas or an overfull stomach as in bloating (usually caused by a weak sphincter at the inlet to the stomach which is either deterioration or induced by some foods/drinks like coffee) , and of course very acidic stomach contents. A hiatus hernia produces similar discomfort.

Finally I found this on tinterweb this morning which may be of interest to the OP

MumaLines profile image

Do you drink coffee?

Chappychap profile image

Acid reflux and obesity go together like a horse and carriage (in fact the third member of this unholy trinity is smoking, smokers are also extremely likely to also end up with acid reflux). Maybe your doctors are implying that if you get your obesity sorted then all the other problems could just evaporate?

Easy to say, tough to do, I appreciate. But that may well be the stark choice that you face.

Good luck!

Seaguller profile image

Be reassured that you have had quite detailed tests and examinations. Stress makes our mind work overtime and exaggerate what we feel physically and mentally

HeartaFlutter profile image

Same here a whole year went to gastro n had all tests done, bc I was told it was gerd, a hernia, every test was normal and then I was sent to cardiologist and I needed a triple bypass.

RailRover profile image

I can give you one bit of information that might cheer you. I have had ectopic beats since I was 22, and I didn't have the heart attack until I was 64. A stent and a triple bypass later, I'm still here, still pretty fit, playing sport etc. Background: I was a very fat kid, but I decided to lose it as a teenager when I discovered girls. I don't know if my early life obesity had anything to do with the coronary stuff later on, or whether it was simply genetics. But 25 stones! Jeez, you really must do something about that. Seems to me that what you could do for yourself to make a positive difference at age 26 is worth ten times more than what any doctor who won't listen might be able to do for you. Looking back, losing excess weight was the most rewarding thing I've ever done, and once you start it really is quite easy.

Shar28 profile image

Hello. I’m sorry to hear of how you’re feeling, physically and mentally. Life’s tough at times, sometimes for a very long time and it feels as if there’s no respite and no-one cares enough to help in the way you feel you need.

A little story - a friend of ours was 200kg for many, many years but with support from the NHS obesity service lost 100kg and qualified for stomach surgery. They’re maintaining they’re weight around 100kg and life has improved so much, physically and mentally. A wedding now is on the horizon, something they thought would never happen.

The key was getting the support of the obesity healthcare service staff to have full ongoing physical health checks, weight loss guidance and encouragement, mental health counselling and support at home so they weren’t lead off-plan. Perhaps you can ask your GP if there’s such a service near you? And get yourself referred? Because of all the checks if there are any heart issues it’ll be picked up and treated accordingly. It’ll all feel very daunting at first but very worthwhile.

Best wishes.

Villagelife profile image

Hi Helpmexo. It sounds like you are having difficulties and maybe some anxiety and depression. This along with your concerns about your health and feeling that no-one is listening to you isn't helping. Potentially this could affect your heart rate. When you are out walking and your heart rate is up, how do you feel, do you feel anxious? You should be reassured by your ECG results that are normal. You are a young person who is obviously frightened. Do you have anyone to talk to face to face this might be a starting point. Maybe look at what changes you can make that might be contributing to the feelings you are having. Take care

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