Posts - British Heart Foundation | HealthUnlocked

British Heart Foundation

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All posts for May 2022

Post Heart Attack care.

I’ve just received a letter, yesterday, from Royal Shrewsbury Hospital telling m...
Mentdent profile image

Isosorbide mononitrate - bad headache

Hello due to ongoing chest pain etc, cardiologist put me on 30mg isosorbide mono...
Hidden profile image

Any experience of Bempedoic

I have been taking statins for some 9 years I have had problems with LFT being h...
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New member

Hi all, I am a 59 year old who out of the blue had a heart attack in January. Di...
Gilling45 profile image


Does anyone know if you have left sided chamber problems does your kidney functi...
E19DF7 profile image

Thank You All

those who have wished me well for my upcoming surgery. It wasn't my intention wh...
MichaelJH profile image
Heart Star

Still going..

Hi all..just a quick message.. I had a bypass 2 years ago..and last Saturday i m...
Dj1962 profile image

New and alone

hi. i have been told i have Afib, its controlling my life at the moment, the pal...
seaphin profile image

Thank you everyone

What a fantastic and helpful response I've had regarding lansoprazole & clopidog...
Villagelife profile image

Mild lv dilation

Had lv dilation that has reduced from moderate to mild with starting Bisoprolol....

Living with heart failure

In February I was diagnosed with severe heart failure / dilated cardiomyopathy ...
Archiebear1 profile image

What can help change in sense of taste?

I’m hoping to find out about what to expect now my dad has been discharged home....
Ginny365 profile image

Five Questions for Sunday Evening

This will be the last quiz I post for a while as I will be having revisionary s...
MichaelJH profile image
Heart Star


Hi iv recently been diagnosed with haveing a heart attact has been not easy to p...
Indianchief profile image

Ventricular ectopy

So i’d like to post some information for anyone who’s in the same boat as me. In...
Carl98k profile image

Wildly variable blood pressure

I noticed today that my BP was about 140/90 while seated, but just 2 minutes lat...
Zindolo profile image

Sunday Thoughts

Steve Jobs died a billionaire, with a fortune of $7 billion, at the age of 56 fr...
MichaelJH profile image
Heart Star

Lansoprazole side effects.

Hi I've been taking lansoprazole for about 10 weeks now as a stomach protector f...
Villagelife profile image

Driving after a pacemaker

Hello everyone, I had a pacemaker fitted three weeks ago. If you have one too, ...
KMD1 profile image

Dealing with a Sam and adrenal surges

Can anyone advise I've been told I have a Sam a Systolic Anterior Motion of the ...
Healthy64 profile image

How Flecainide works query?

I’m new to Flecainide 100 twice a day. Was on Bisoprolol 5mg now on 10mg. I have...
Afibflipper profile image

Face to face appointment

I’m having a MRI as an at Harefield in June. When I get the results does anyone ...
Horse6 profile image

Minor but chronic... Do heart meds or HF effect nostrils?

Minor issue considering ... All this year (months) I have sore scabby nostrils...
Hidden profile image

Whoop band and tracking

Hi, Has anyone got any experience of using a Whoop band? I'm using a Garmin smar...


Do others feel lonely and alone? I feel lonely every day if I don't have distrac...
JoN1970 profile image

Blocked LAD

My LAD is 75-90% blocked. Angioplasty was abandoned and instead I had a stress t...
RATP profile image

Permanent AF/fluid retention

I have permanent AF and developed fluid retention. Swollen ankles, feet and calv...
Mat66 profile image

Questions about angiograms

I have been advised to have this procedure to determine whether I have angina or...
Hidden profile image

Low heartrate - Bradycardia

Low heart rate - Bradycardia I had heart surgery twice for an Ascending Thoraci...
cjbroon profile image

Raised lump on CABG scar

Thanks to all who replied to my Q, I know that is not keloid and it has already ...