I had a heart attack in Aug 2020. Was in Cath. lab within 1 hour where they did an angioplasty and found Right Coronary Artery completely occluded. After 2 attempts they mostly cleared the clots, and put me on Rivaroxaban, clopidogrel, aspirin, bisoprolol.
They could not put a stent in for technical reasons, so the RCA was opened by a balloon, and anti clotting infusion. This left the heart muscle some 12% dead.
After discharge and initial recovery, I still get significant symptoms.
Specifically I am light headed, and have poor balance, tingling sensation in my fingers, and some nausea. This occurs both when I get up in the morning and after exertion (e.g. mowing the lawn, for an hour or more.)
I have had 2 echocardiograms. The main result of the echos revealed a Left ventricle ejection fraction of 61% which I am told is fine.
Also I have had an angiogram around a year ago which revealed that all coronary arteries are clear, if somewhat large (the tech word is ectatic).
Cardiologist thought symptoms might be some form of non obstructive coronary disease specifically microvascular angina. He prescribed Ranolazine.
Problem is that I don't have the symptoms I associate with angina (chest pain on exertion which goes away on rest or when you use GTN. GTN really does not help. It makes my pulse race until the effect wears off.
I took ranolazine for 3 months. Latterly I was getting new symptoms (sweating, bad chest pain, oedema, ).
I talked to GP . He did a variety of blood tests, none of which revealed anything about kidneys, liver, or anything else, and seems to have given up.
So I stopped the Ranolazine. These worrying symptoms have gone away, leaving me with the balance, etc. issues highlighted above
I should say that 2 cardiologists have attributed the symptoms to stress or something not cardiovascular related.
Current meds are Phenytoin, phenobarbital, aspirin 75mg famotidine rivaroxaban bisoprolol 1.25mg and 40mg atorvastatin 40mg.
The first 2 are for epilepsy
I just wondered if anyone here has any idea about what I should do next to improve my QOL