Last August I had a STEMI. A heart attack which resulted in the complete blockage of the Right coronary artery. When they looked via the angiogram/angioplasty they found that the artery was ectatic. That means apparently that it is not uniform in cross section , and not smooth in end to end shape. They could not stent.
So they did their best to clear it via the angioplasty and anticoagulants.
The following day they tried again because I was still showing symptoms apparently, and managed to get sluggish blood flow through the artery.
Turns out you can survive with a partly blocked coronary artery. The heart muscle it feeds is of course dead, but I suspect that by the time I had been taken into the cath. lab, that would have been the case anyway i.e. the RCA is not relevant, so a stent would not help.
At least that's what the cardiologist says. But I do get what I assume is angina (never had it before MI), and I am assured that the RCA is the culprit. So it seems to me that the RCA is at least doing something useful. I am not on any anti angina meds. because my blood pressure is low (typically 90/65 sometimes and never over 110/70) so I have fainted after taking GTN so I cant take nitrate pills. I have had echo and stress echo cardiograms, and a myoperfusion scan. Current idea is to take midodrine 2.5mg to try to increase BP, and Ranolazine to help angina
In my case nobody seems keen to think about any further intervention angioplasty or CABG because the RCA is of marginal benefit. It would also be very technically difficult. So the risk/reward ratio is poor. In the case of angioplasty, it's not clear what could be done anyway. I'm on antiplatelet meds and bisoprolol and 80mg of statins.
If anyone has any ideas or has had the same sort of issue I would be very interested