I was diagnosed with CHD in 2017 and had one stent put in LAD. I had been experiencing very mild exertion chest pain. Since then I have had not pain, that is until very recently. On walking uphill, I get very mild pain which I have only just had the courage to confirm as angina by using my GTN, which I have never had to use up until now. Do I tell the GP? He may refer to cardio and they may do another angiogram (Covid situation permitting). I am on beta blockers, aspirin, statin and BP med. I have read that studies show that treating angina with meds and GTN can be as effective as stenting and that stenting may not improve prognosis. Do many people use the GTN and have they used it long-term? Is there anyone living near me with whom I can talk/share experiences as I do not know anyone with heart disease?
Scared again: I was diagnosed with CHD... - British Heart Fou...
Scared again

Like you I got a stent, in 2014 though. I was getting symptoms last winter. Phoned my GP who referred me to a cardiologist.

Hello Frootbat,
I have lived with a rarer form of angina for nearly 10 years.
The only treatment option is medication.
My angina is unfortunately very stubborn to being treated by medication.
Paddles, creeks and other stuff comes to mind😳 or in my case a trip to hospital.
However it is possible to live well with angina😊
Perhaps don't be shy about using your GTN spray? See it as a tool to help you live with your angina.
Before using it, check it's in date, give it a squirt to get rid of any stale GTN spray.
Sit down, spray under your tongue.
Be prepared for some strange feelings. It can feel at first like your head is going to explode, followed by a headache.
These side effects fade with use.
I suggest you also go back to see your GP.
Good luck!
Thank you. I recognise your name as have seen posts from you before and think you have replied to some from me. I am worried now as getting the angina means that things are deteriorating. I have had none in the 4 years since the stent was fitted. I will use the GTN when I get the pain from now on and tomorrow hope to discuss with GP.
Just had my 2nd heart attack. I've got 5 stents. They've not added to that but have put me on clopidoprol and a slow release gtn pill which I take in the morning.The cardiac nurse told me that this is a fairly newish sort of treatment so it'll be interesting to see how it goes.
Good luck with your treatment, I hope it all goes well for you 👍

Hi..I had a bypass 2 years ago on Christmas eve..after a year I started getting mild angina so I was put on a slow release gtn pill twice a day...it helps to a certain extent..🤔
Where about are you located, I'm happy to meet up and discuss experiences if you are local to me.
hi yes this heart disease stuff is pretty scary! I only had my heart attack in September so still trying to get my head around things! there are days when I have felt really off, this group has been so supportive, so continue to talk about your worries it really helps to talk with people who know how your feeling, I've had niggly chest pains but nothing to bad and they happen at different times not when I'm exercising, I've never used my gtn spray as when I was having my heart attack the paramedics gave it to me and I passed out! this was due to the fact that I have really low blood pressure! I still carry it around with me just in case. Please contact your doctor and discuss your symptoms, we know our bodies best, prevention is always better than the cure! continue to reach out to this group you are not alone, take care and please keep us updated x
Hi Frooty. I’m in the same position. Had stent in September, on the same meds as you, but still getting angina and breathlessness every day. My cardio nurses referred me back to consultant ( telephone consultation) and he has referred me to the Bristol Royal Infirmary for mri, which I was told would be about a month wait, although heaven only knows when that will happen now! I’d talk to the nurses here and try to speak to your gp. Here if you want to talk .
I had a left coronary stent fitted in Nov 2019 and since then have had various pains and aches all of which I think may be normal and not heart related. I think when you get any heart problems your anxiety goes into overdrive and this gives you more symptoms. Despite all these imaginary pains etc I have had several echos, two stress tests and a cardiac MRI last year all turning out fine. At the moment I am feeling tired and guess what my mind is again telling me heart problems. Hard to beat anxiety but get yourself checked to put your mind at rest.