My mother in law once said to me a long time ago when I die all the vultures will be out ? Bit strange I thought at the time but know I know exactly what she means I have heard a few stories about when people die unfortunately some people see what they can gain from it 😩a few examples old man dies in the chair at home a relative is there and said he told me I could have his ring and starts to take it off his finger as the funeral people are there to remove him and also starts taking pictures off the wall to take home unbelievable I know my story unfortunately my dad passed away not too long ago he was a good age in his 90s and upto the age of 84 was in good health I have 2 sisters one of them the oldest did not really bother going to see my dad it only when they wanted something did not not even send a Xmas card the other one was not much use either but when they thought there was money to be had could not get there fast enough it was down to me the youngest to sort every thing out (not the first time unfortunately 2 years previously my son was killed in a car accident) a story for another time anyway we all got together as a lot of things needed to be done straight away the oldest said you sort it all out it ain’t ROCKET SCIENCE 😡 then how much money are we getting what your dad has just passed away and your asking how much money is in the pot me and my wife sorted the funeral arrangements out any normal person would know this ain’t the easiest of tasks then we had the task of having to clear out my dads accommodation (it was sheltered housing for old people a very nice place he was happy there )that was heart breaking the 2 vultures turned up I thought we would go through things together but no one got a pillow case and filled it with any thing they could find the other one was looking for money they may have just broke the window and robbed the place ! I had a big argument with the oldest it was heart breaking to see they just took what they wanted and left as you can imagine I don’t bother with them 2 anymore when the will was sorted my dad had left some money to my daughter well that did not go down well the oldest tried to contest the will now have head stone all sorted as it takes time for ground to settle put some really nice ornaments down the usual mum and dad rest in peace and I nice figurine of Jesus and guess what someone has taken them all off the grave they have all gone can’t believe someone would do that I have my suspicion who it was but no proof !
the vultures are out !: My mother in... - Bereavement Care ...
the vultures are out !

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5 Replies

sorry to hear that I know that pain only too well sadly our family vultures started long before we lost our aunt and it wasn`t a great time for some.

Hi Gingerbreadman1978
Really sorry to read of your loss.
My goodness, it happens so often, what is it with people, it appals me, sorry!
You take care and try not to think about this, it's you and your family that matter.
Nearly always the way, just awful 😡
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