Hi, everyone
I'm new here, kinda looking for support
I'm an overthinker (extreme one). My mom died almost 3 years ago because of covid (at that time there was no vaccine yet, or it was still being transported can't remember). Now I only have my dad, and three siblings (I'm the oldest).
3 years ago, it was not only my mom, but my dad also got sick. I was all alone taking care of them. nobody ever visits or asks, it all happened so quickly in just two weeks. My dad gets better, fortunately, but my mom never did. I was at home when ICU called that my mom passed away. now I have been jumpy every time I receive calls. I did not cry until around 6 months after, focusing on my dad's recovery and my siblings' schools. After 6 months, I cried like crazy. it just wouldn't stop. I kept blaming myself that I couldn't do much for my mother.
My dad's remarried last year. while I'm still grieving. so I kinda hating on him a bit.
Now after almost 3 years, I moved out and working. But in a year, my dad was hospitalized twice for kidney stones and cystitis. He is getting old and t2dm patient too. Every time I receive calls, I freak out. It is so hard to feel happy/ok, and I feel overwhelmed, and afraid to lose my family like I lost my mom.
I have convinced myself that everyone's gonna die anyway so better make good memories. But lately, it is very difficult and super alone.
Does anybody know how to calm down after a traumatic trigger happened?
thank you for reading!