Inquest today for my late husband's accident. Such a hard day for my son and daughters too. Everything all brought up again,not that it ever goes away. Conclusion was a tragic road traffic accident. Feel very deflated, just like after his funeral. I wonder when and if my heart will ever heal. Feel so cheated on all the years we'll miss together. And sorry for my son and daughters without their dad. I'm so glad we have so many happy memories,that's what will keep me going. Just needed to share my thoughts.
Inquest : Inquest today for my late... - Bereavement Care ...
hi thinking of you and the kids really must have been a difficult time during the inquest.when it was my sons I went to the first day I couldn't face it after that.god bless you and the kids and god bless your husband.take care.
Hi Suby55.
Never experienced an inquest myself going over all the painful details but I hope you and your brave children are on the long road to finding peace after your loss with those close at hand to comfort and help you as you need. In time I hope you will be able to look back and help those on a similar road to give you extra comfort.
Hello Sueby55 , it must have been incredibly difficult for you all to hear details of the day your lives changed for ever. Even though you have probably played the events of that day over and over in your mind that is at your own 'choosing' and private. An inquest is very different.
Continue to take one day at a time and I tried not to look too far ahead. Very difficult sometimes because it is human nature to look ahead. I found talking very helpful, talk to your son and daughters, good friends and seek grief counselling if you feel you need it.
Sueby55 feelings of grief cannot be hurried and everyone grieves in a different way. In time I hope your feelings of grief will lessen and slowly be replaced with acceptance and happy memories. However, I believe that in time we learn to live with our grief better.
Take very good care,
Lottie x
Wow, I am not familiar with inquest. I had to look it up. I can imagine it was an incredibly difficult thing for you and your children to participate in. I agree that grief counseling might be beneficial for you. I have suffered from grief recently as our youngest son was diagnosed with brain cancer. He is doing well now, and although it is a different type of grief, it was still tragic. I often replay his seizure over and over in my mind and I do feel that there is some post-traumatic stress from it all. I pray that you all will be comforted.
I've had the unfortunate experience of an inquest, it's a very difficult process for all involved.
Hold onto and keep reliving those happy times, they are the most important of all 💛