Hey hi- miss sugar free over here- so ive been over doing it. I had wedding number four (been in weddings non stop since 2015) this past wkd, along with prepping for work inspection, and finally- prepping for thanksgiving, my favorite holiday. Sleep has been less and less and guess what- i paid for it BUT I ALSO EXPERIMENTED WITH SUPPLEMENTS AND HERES WHAT I FOUND!
Woke up with full blown bronchitis tuesday (monday i literally felt fine until bedtime- thought i was just tired). I usually get it once a year around the fall or winter time as i neglect my sleep. I also think the change on weather doesnt help. Im also very sure its BD related as literally NO ONE around me is sick with anything- nor do they catch what i have (aka me and the bf do kiss on the mouth just prior to me feeling miserable) So yay bd and bronchitis -theres a new revelation for yous.
Any hoo Coughing up green stuff: General malaise-check. This cant happen on my week of thanksgiving. As most of you say too- “ive got too much to do right now!” Guess what. Back burnered ALL THAT SHIT. I was supposed to clean etc. i did what i could and came to the horrible realization that i just may not be doing thanksgiving rhis year. Its okay. Put yourself first. On top of all that, i had taken off tuesday to care for My mother who was having eye surgery that morning. FML.
SO TUESDAY-popped 2 NAC (ill get into details at the bottom) and 2 zinc magnesiums. And of course good old mucinex (guafenasin and dextromethorphan) do the surgery thing. Mentally remind myself that me and my mother are both fucked (shes coming out of anesthesia and im driving) and i can not kill us both bc i have to be responsible. I tuck her in and go home and sleep immediately until bf comes home. Pop more Of the above medicine regiment above and begrudgingly pop into a holiday party that we agreed to go(theres alot around this and i know i sound hypercritical on this). We say hi and leave(5mins what a compromise!). Get pho for dinner. (Chicken broth for the win) hot shower (aka stand in hot water and contemplate) Eat more nac and zm. In bed by 8. Sleep until work next day.
WEDNESDAY- im exhausted. Still coughing. No phelm now. Redo medical regimen and goto work on one of the busiest days of the year. Hate my life. Im supposed to prep food tonight. HA. And some how by around 3 o clock i realized im feeling pretty normal. I cough only if i laugh too hard. Im tired but not miserable. I went home. Prepped food until 8. Bed. Nac and zm
Thursday- the day. Thanksgiving. Big deal here in usa. Woke up 730 to put turkey in and we ARE A OKAY. feeling good.
So all in all- a day of bronchitis? What a day and a half? Ive never. Anytime ive had it- coughing spell for two weeks. Miserable. Fatigue for days. This time i used NAC and zinc magnesium.
NAC, is a precursor thar helps makes glutathione. Glutathione gets depletes from your body in times of stress or immune response. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND ADDING THIS TO YOUR DIET. its on amazon for cheap. Get the now foods brand.
Zinc magnesium is also great for inmune responses. Last i checked- research doesnt know the exact mechanism of how zinc helps- but it just does. Do it.
I don’t recommend pushing yourself through the holidays. Know your limits. I was ready to accept defeat and saw myself in bed. It is what it is. But- if you eat well and most importantly, sleep- as i keep pushing- it will help.
Tl;dr: NAC and zinc magnesium can help immune response. Along with sleep.