I don’t really know the reason to this post but I needed to post somewhere.
I feel like I’m losing the plot, my memory is so bad and I’m so exhausted I’m only 33. I had a melt down in Sainsbury’s this morning standing there staring at the screen wondering why the till wouldn’t give me £10 back and the staff came over and said I needed to put an extra £5 in. Leaving there thinking it had messed up, to then realising the £10 in my purse wasn’t missing i had spent it this morning to buy a coffee at a hospital where i dropped my daughters heart monitor off.
I’ve only recently been diagnosed after a long time of investigations, but I don’t think I’m coming to terms with actually having a diagnosis. I don’t know if this is because I’m still not managing the condition, I’ve waited 5 weeks so far to have an appointment to get on to adalimumab and have to wait until another week for that appointment.
I’m so sick and exhausted from hospital appointments, not just for myself but my two children. My one child has cystic fibrosis anf is under investigation for other things and my other child is also being investigated for Behçet’s. Over the passed few weeks I’ve been to appointments at least twice a week with one of us. I’m so tired and can’t function properly, I can’t focus and I’m flaring. I can’t rest at the moment even though I want to and my body is telling me I need to.
on top of this I’m having to chase other departments as I’m due for a laparoscopy, however they still haven’t deemed me fit and it’s been 3 months! It only takes one email to my team to check it’s okay to go ahead and that the 12.5mg of steroids is okay to have surgery.. if they don’t do it within 3 months I get taken off the list and have to be refereed again meaning another 2 long years wait.
Sorry to be a downer - just needed to vent as I’m going to go crazy otherwise