About - Behçet's UK | HealthUnlocked

Behçet's UK

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About Behçet's UK

Behçet’s UK cares for all those affected by Behçet’s including diagnosed patients, those not yet diagnosed, those that think they may have Behçet's, and their carers.

We promote research into the condition and our ultimate aim is to find a cure but in the meantime, we will strive to obtain the best care for all Behçet’s patients.

Our Behçet's UK Medical Factsheets (behcetsuk.org/behcets-medic... are written by lead Behçet’s clinicians.

Behçet’s UK: How we help

- We were instrumental in establishing Specialist Centres for Behçet’s in NHS England and we now lobby for equivalent care in Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

- Hold an Annual General Meeting and Conference. Allowing those affected by Behçet’s to hear from Behçet’s specialists and patients, ask questions, and meet others with this rare condition.

- Publish a quarterly newsletter keeping our members up to date with the Society’s activities including lobbying on rare diseases along with our work with researchers.

- Maintain an active Medical Advisory Panel with eminent representatives from each of the medical disciplines involved in Behçet’s to whom questions can be directed.

- Manage a website that includes factsheets written by lead Behçet’s clinicians on each of the areas affected by Behçet’s.

- Provide a Helpline run by volunteers who have an understanding of Behçet’s.

- Facilitate peer-to-peer support groups to minimise the isolation experienced by patients.

- Award small personal grants for items that will help members manage their Behçet’s day-to-day.

- Host an annual event for members to have fun with their friends, family, and carers and get to know others affected by Behçet’s

Become a member Join here: behcetsuk.org/how-to-join/

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