I asked to be referred back to see my Neoropsychologist at the biginning of January and only now do I have the appointment day! However, I have noticed that its a Clinical Psychologist I have been assigned to see. Don't understand this?
Neuro Psychologist/Clinical Psychologist? - Ataxia UK
Neuro Psychologist/Clinical Psychologist?
Hi Iain!
Why don't you put your mind at rest and just ring them to check. There could be a number of reasons to give you someone else, a change in their procedures etc. or it might simply be a clerical error. xB
Do keep us updated Iain.
I don't know the difference between the two (I could Google I suppose...), but what interests really is how the NHS (I presume) handle your situation so we can learn from you (if that is okay)
The appointment I have is still in the hospitals Neurological department. Ive seen a Clinical psychologist before and found him very helpful. Maybe this is the reason Wyndham?

Hi Iain
Neuropsychologists are psychologists who specialise in psychological problems relating to neurological problems. Neuropsychologists and clinical psychologists both have the same training but have chosen to specialise in different areas. I think if your appointment is in a neurological department it is likely you will be seeing a neuropsychologist as clinical psychologists tend to work in more general/mental health settings. Your referral will of been screened and you will of been assigned to the most appropriate person. I am sure everything will work out OK.
I hope you are well.
Best Wishes
Thanks very much Harriet for clarifying that for me. I'm very easilly confused and your comment has reasured me. I was feeling a wee bit paranoid and wasn't looking forward to the referral. I feel much better and relaxed now. Thanks again.

Hi Iain
I think I need some psychiactric help.I am not adjusting very well to the fact this Ataxia thing will get worse.I have just done a 5 week course with stroke patients as recommended by the pshyc attatched to my docs surgery but I soon realised the psychiatry is all wrong.We need to cope with a degenerative disease not rehabilitate useless limbs.Strokes are usually sudden and there is a period of adjustment although the time scale varies.Do you understand where I am coming from? I am not afraid of death but living with multiple disabilities.
Hello 'silkwood',
Sorry to hear you have been having a bad time - please get in touch with me via my email if you want to, I know you have had other things to cope with as well recently.
Keep your chin up Marie and try always to stay possitive.
Hi silkwood
I understand exactly where you are coming from. I think you need to go back to your GP and explain exactly what you have said above. Unfortunately there is no easy answer to the mental health consequences of living with a degenerative disorder but you can be taught techniques of how to manage them. Having a low mood or depression can make the physical symptoms associated with ataxia worse so it is essential to keep in as good mental health as possible. Not at all easy but very important. Certainly stroke patients and ataxia patients cannot be compared. If you think you need further help, go back to your GP.
As a family we have seen some great psychologists over the years, and they have really helped. It is very important to keep the rest of your family in good mental health too. My husband gets referred by our GP, and has a few sessions with a wonderful chap, when he needs it. Watching someone you love with ataxia is very hard.
Everyone is very different though. Several years back, after an awful Biology lesson at school (despite our explaining to them that I have a genetic condition - they will not do it again!), my daughter needed to see a therapist for a while. We also sorted one for our son, but this was a huge mistake. He hated talking to her and we stopped it after one session.
I am going to see the Psychologist today and I'm going to ask him if he can offer any support to my wife as well. My wife has never been offered any help from anyone regarding my situation. I think now its time for me to speek up for her. Nice to hear Litty that not only you but your family too have benefited from professional help.