Morning everyone,
As part of my Ataxia I suffer a lot with brain fog and confusion. Has anyone ever heard or had experience of a product called "Nurosym" that is supposed to help with these?
Thank you
Morning everyone,
As part of my Ataxia I suffer a lot with brain fog and confusion. Has anyone ever heard or had experience of a product called "Nurosym" that is supposed to help with these?
Thank you
🤔 It has been mentioned in 2 ‘upcoming Clinical Trials …re the Vagus Nerve, not specifically ‘brain fog and confusion’.
My ataxia is Idiopathic..I empathise with ‘brain fog’..I have constant Vestibular issues when I’m mobile.
🤔 I’ve often wondered if I experience PPPD/3PD..the symptoms are relevant.
Where can I find info about the vagus nerve research? How do I register my interest in research trials about Ataxia etc? I was diagnosed with CD 4 years ago and visiting Sheffield for past 3 year for gluten ataxia, I'm still getting to grips with understanding all of this. Questions raised here are interesting, and your replies, and that of others are very helpful. Thank you.
🙂 Click on this link for information re taking part in research.
🙂Gluten a very specific diagnosis..I hope you benefit from the strict diet
Not heard of Nurosym. Brain fog is associated with Fibromyalgia, which I have with RFC1CANVAS.
I have idiopathic Ataxia and suffer with brain fog/confusion. Not heard of Nurosym though.
Hi i too get brain fog but to be honest i m trying to stay clear of new medication