I had a text from NHS and phone call from the health centre telling me to sheild myself because of my Athsma for 12 weeks. What happens when the 12 weeks is up ? I have moderate Athsma controlled by Ventolin and Fostair inhaler s.
Sheilding: I had a text from NHS and... - Lung Conditions C...

Nobody knows that yet. I can only tell you what I feel may happen and that is the time will get extended before you reach that date. It may get extended even more until we have a vaccine. Shielding is not costing the government much, so they will not be in a rush to end it.
I think many of us are waiting to see what the government say next .
That's interesting.... I also have moderate asthma controlled with fostair and ventolin but was told by my GP that I was not in the shielding category. However I also have bronchiectasis and take azithromycin regularly, and since this was added to the government shielding categories at a later date I have been told to shield!

Definitely shield. I have asthma and bronchiectasis, along with numerous other illnesses, and have been told I'm extremely clinically vulnerable, as I would imagine you are. Shielding should be til end of June, hopefully no later but no clarity get.
Keep well and safe, think of yourself.
Current advice is to shield until the end of June then, presumably, there will be further guidance.
I have severe asthma and I am on the list. Government published further guidance and the isolation is to continue through end of June. By end of June the government will say what happens to us. I suspect we will be in isolation until a vaccine is found.
You letter states all you need to do is show the letter to your employer. My employer's Occupational Heatlh has evaluated my asthma and advised it falls under the Equality Act. So, I cannot be dimissed for being still on lockdown because of my asthma. It might be worth speaking with your Occupational Health Department.
Thanks. I don't have a Occupational health person as I am a nanny. My boss is a doctor and they have looked after their children themselves since I have been sheilding, they said they may have to make me redundant. Very difficult situation as they don't want to but because he works on front line, too risky for me to be at their house.
I didn't have a letter from government telling me to sheild , only a text from NHS and health c