Did they say there was going to be new advise tomorrow for the sheilding. Or did I dream it.
Sheilding: Did they say there was going... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi Pokerman, I heard Johnson waffle something about Jenny Harries, but I think the gist of it was to just look after ourselves!
I think there is going to be a statement tomorrow by Jenny Harries who has been looking into a more tailored system.
I thought I heard Boris waffle something about shielding tomorrow. Hmm we’ll see what she says!
The vulnerable should "take extra precautions where they can" !! And if they have to sit on a checkout and have 2,000 people pass by them each week, then tough! I have had to be signed off work as it's just not safe, so have virtually no money coming in, so I know what you're saying Pokermon. Totally unfair isn't it? Good luck to ya xx
I feel they think Shielders served their purpose during the lockdown stopping the NHS being overwhelmed. They seem to be saying, when someone asks as Laura did today, that they think it will affect our mental health. Well why don’t they ask people who were shielding instead of being so paternalistic!
Will be listening to what JH has to say tomorrow.
Would be very interested to hear what Typhoid Dido has to say about track and trace if anyone could track and trace where she is!
Yes we are not forgotten , a statement today by Dr Jenny Harries
Don’t know.my ears go numb after 10 minutes of listening to the statements.
Personally I have been shielding as far as possible since lockdown. However the priority shopping as gone and it is increasingly difficult to get slots. The volunteer groups have gone. The council as closed the helpline. I believe we are in a sort it out yourself situation. Happily the Christmas shopping is done and wrapped. We will see what is said today but I do not hold much hope. From the Chris Witty interview yesterday he actually stated he does not think the 3 teir system will be affective and the government ignored advice for a short total lockdown. Basically they have stopped listening to the science so I cannot see any extra help in regards to shielding today.
I havent changed much since this all started. I keep my distance wash my hands and wear a mask, I also use nasal guard when I go out. I get a delivery slot for my shopping, which I found hard at times as I am not on the list for shielding. At the moment I can get a next day delivery from Tesco, but do go out when I need to, or if I cant get a slot. I will continue to do this until I feel it is safe. So all in all it really doesnt matter what rules come in and go out I will keep to this for the moment. I dont expect any help because I have never had any, other than the kindness shown to me by friends or neighbours. Stay safe x
Hi Isb1, totally agree with your post, love to know what a nasal guard is does it help u breathe whilst wearing mask. Keep looking after yourself.
Ha! no ceels, it puts a protective coating around your nostrils to keep out the germs, as its usually your nose that bacteria enter your body. I have used it for a couple of years to keep the flu virus away x
Hi again, well can I be really nosey and ask you what the protective coating is as well please Izbl..seen the plastic insert advertised, I think that could be very useful, thanks for replying hope you stay well.
Just what i expected from you Irene,no whinging and moaning,just getting on with life taking sensible precautions and doing your best to survive,can't fault your attitude.
Ski's and the fragrant one x