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Asthma Community Forum

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All posts for June 2020

Face coverings on buses

Hi if any of you use buses on first bus website you can print of a card saying t...
Shotmedown profile image

New to asthma, how do I know the triggers that set it off? Has anyone invested it allergy tests etc?

I had a severe asthma attack in 2018 as an adult brought about by a cold and I e...

Peak flow

I've been given a peak flow and a chart to keep a tally for 2 weeks the numbers...
Rhino03z profile image
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Post covid recovery info from Asthma UK

Hi I know there are quite a few people on here now with post-covid breathing iss...
EmmaF91 profile image
Community Ambassador

Rescue pack's

I have a rescue pack on the way but can only use in an emergency. I have only st...
Hidden profile image

Please respond if ...

You have in the past or still are taking montekulast. Why were / are you taking ...
wiserlady profile image

Update for Shielders in Scotland

Those shielding should still only work from home and should avoid shops, pharmac...
doonhamer1967 profile image

Is it safe to see the dentist for emergency treatment?

Hi everyone. Just wanted to know what everyone’s thoughts are about attending t...
Uppy profile image

Finding a better GP

Ive always had reservations about my GP but this last few weeks have been a tota...
lucie982 profile image

Great experience with new GP

Just had a chat with my new GP this morning, so different from my old one. She a...

Anyone else had this problem and how do I deal with it?

My asthma is triggered by smoke, grass, pollen, excess cat hair and any sprays. ...
TailPoof profile image

Symbicort Blood Sugars

Last week I had a particularly bad asthma day and went from my usual one puff a ...
Tengudreams profile image

Reducing QVAR Dose

Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone had any experience with lowering their prevento...
Finn1510 profile image


Can parents of children with asthma and allergies requiring adrenaline pens clai...
RooSs profile image

Inhalers and increased heart rate

Hi there, I’ve had a problem with an asthma flare up over the past few months an...
HC26 profile image

Extending Lockdown for those with severe asthma

I am hearing rumours people with severe astham are receiving letters to self-iso...
B_Asthma profile image

A basic question

I don’t suffer from hayfever, only very occasionally, like once every few years ...
Wheezycat profile image

Shielding anxiety.

Just wondering if anyone has received any personal update letters advising them ...
EvieJo profile image

Shielding extension post from earlier - taken down????!!!!

Hi All Just wondering if I was missing something..?? I’m sure that there was a p...
Pipsqueak77 profile image

Chest pain and blocked nose

Am having Asthma attack almost every day, is like prednisolone is not helping, b...
omoola20 profile image

How To Use Peak Flow Meter

Hi. Im not asking how to use the PFM, but rather asking do you take a puff first...
Tengudreams profile image

How is everyone?

I am struggling. Peak flow is 220 so not terriable but not good. I have also bee...

Advice welcome

Hi This is a long post... So back at the end of March, just as I had started to...
Clairebear35 profile image

Asthma vs Anxiety vs Breathing Pattern Disorders

Hi all It’s a very stressful time at the moment, with some people shielding, oth...
EmmaF91 profile image
Community Ambassador

Qvar and peak flow

I'm 12 weeks post-viral and have not been diagnosed with asthma. I (still) have ...

Coping not cured!

Good Morning everyone - every day I read these posts and very often I find them ...
2Retrievers profile image

When is your Forstair inhaler empty?

I’ve been struggling for the past week and my forstairs been running low. For m...
Ts777 profile image

Oral thrush and swollen tonsil?

I’ve been struggling with oral thrush for a few weeks now but my nystatin seems ...

Covid19 - copd/astma/inhaler

Can asthma inhaler-meds (steroid) help with COVID19 ?
tusty profile image

Severe chest and rib pain - no cough

Hi, My wife was diagnosed with bronchitis last December, since then we've been ...
Amirdin005 profile image