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wiserlady profile image
97 Replies

You have in the past or still are taking montekulast. Why were / are you taking it? How are you getting on with it? Any side effects?

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wiserlady profile image
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97 Replies

Iam still taking it and I had no side effects

Troilus profile image

I started taking it in February. My GP suggested it, because my peak flow kept dropping but didn’t prescribe it for me as I attend respiratory clinic at the hospital. On my next appointment I asked about it at the clinic. They said that if I was having night time awakening I could have it. They wrote to my GP to prescribe it. ( What a faff!)

So, as I say, started taking it in Feb. No night time awakening or attacks since. (Don’t know if this is coincidental or not.)

BUT what I can say is certainly down to Montelukast is I can blow my nose!

I hadn’t blown my nose for over a year. I had post nasal drip and was constantly snorting to try and clear my nose. Within a couple of hours of taking it I could feel fresh air when I breathed in through my nose. Post nasal drip has gone. ( Come to think of it, this might be why I am not waking up in the night with an irritating cough.)

No side effects.

I would say give it a try. ( If that is why you were asking.)

Lotti_321- profile image
Lotti_321- in reply to Troilus

It is a complete faff! I’ve had similar happen to me is it’s because gps don’t seem to want to interfere once they transferred the care over to a consultant! Still frustrating though

Chip_y2kuk profile image

Still taking it but couldn't tolerate it of a night as prescribed so told gp it was trying morning or stopping it all together.... I've been taking it if a morning ever since

TuckBox2 profile image

been taking it 20+ years, still taking it, no side effects, helped reduce symptoms

Js706 profile image

Hi :)

Montelukast is an add on tablet for asthma that they might prescribe if your inhaler isn't helping control things by itself. It can be given for all asthma but is meant to be particularly good if you have allergies or exercise as triggers!

I've been on it for a good few years and don't have any problems or side effects with it - and know lots of others who have no issues!

In terms of side effects generally some people find that they get vivid dreams while taking it (its normally taken before bed). And in some people it can cause problems with their mood - so its something to watch out for but is a very rare side effect.

Hope it helps if you've been prescribed it!

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Js706

i researched it thoroughly, why people take it and possible side effects, it took some time, and there are loads of possible bad side effects

lakelover profile image

I've been taking it for years & have no side effects now. At first I had vivid dreams but that passed after about a week. If they want you to take it, give it a try.

Wheezycat profile image

I have been taking it for about a year. This was after I had 4-5 courses of prednisolone after getting virus infections that lead to significant deteriorations in asthma. In truth I can’t say if it is working, as it doesn’t feel significantly different between getting viruses, and since then I have only had one cold which I could manage myself. Maybe that was the Montelukast? Also I cough far less frequently at night. I was told they wanted to control my lungs’ over reaction to viruses better. The only way to really find out for now would be to stop it to see if it makes a difference, but while Covid 19 is going on I don’t want to rock the boat. No side effects.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Wheezycat

i know what you mean about not rocking the boat now, i had a bad experience and they wanted to take me into hospital urgently and i said no as i would have been in the ward with covid people etc, was safer to stay at home and fight through it somehow

Lotti_321- profile image

I’ve been on & off it for years. If I’m honest it doesn’t make any difference to my symptoms, my consultant has said I could stop but as it’s not causing any negative side effects then it wouldn’t harm to continue. Whenever I’ve stopped it in the past and seen drs about my serve asthma they do seem to give me a funny look for stopping 😂 as they think it’s wonder drug to solve all my symptoms!

in reply to Lotti_321-

I dont think it's doing anything for me either.

I’ve taken it as an add-on therapy for asthma for at least 5 years (I also have bronchiectasis.) It quickly made a positive difference. It seems to dampen down inflamed airways. Unfortunately I frequently get night-time headaches which take til lunchtime next day to clear, but that could be other drugs. I don’t like taking painkillers very often so I start the day with strong black coffee

Oldandgray profile image

Taking it after some reluctance as had read about side effects. Been on it six months now and NO side effects. Which I had started it sooner.

Chokit profile image

I take it every night with no obvious side effects at all...I must agree with some comments above, I too had post nasal drip which caused me to cough & snort a lot & this seems to have diminished since starting it over a year ago, I also haven’t had any asthma attacks in quite a while so am happy to carry on with this drug..good luck!

Jobie1 profile image

I’ve been on it since March. I started it when my asthma flared up out of control. I took it in the morning at the start the moved it to the evening. I’ve not had any bad dreams or side effects on it. I’m also on 40mg Prednisolone (I’ve been on this constantly since 20/3), fexofenadine, piriton, Dymista and Flixonase, seretide and Alvesco for my asthma but haven’t noticed any side effects 🤷🏻‍♀️. I’m not sure what effect it’s having or if it’s having any effect as I’ve been having bad problems since March believed to be covid related as the respiratory side is not responding to my asthma meds.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Jobie1

hi, how are you now, was it covid related? i nkow there are other problems you can get that are a lot like asthma but not asthma, very similar symptoms and doctors often get that wrong and say it is asthma

Clairebear35 profile image

I’ve been on it for a few years now and I’ve never experienced any side effects. I got but on it as my asthma was very much uncontrolled and kept having asthma attacks.

Roversrambler profile image

Within 24hrs of taking it I realised why it's called "the wonder drug". It was amazing my symptoms were vastly improved. I took it for six weeks and then it all went wrong and I had a very bad reaction against it. Including uncontrollable shaking and being unable to stand. My husband rang111 who were brilliant and were on the point of sending a paramedic when I started to come out of it. After a couple of hours things settled down. My Asthma Nurse put in a yellow card report about the adverse effect it had on me. They all kept saying how unusual it was but I guess someone has to be the one to have unusual side effects and I have had problems with other medications before. I'm now on a completely different medication and have been stable for the last six months. 👍😊

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Roversrambler

hello, this is really interesting, similar to me, was great on it for a bit and then bad, please tell me what you were put on when they took you off this

Beefull8 profile image

I’ve been on it for six months I think. I don’t notice any difference but since I’m highly allergic to dust I’ve been put on it.

Trickz008 profile image

I didn’t get on with it at all. I was taking it as an add on for asthma and post nasal drip. Gave me horrible nightmares, rapid heart beat and constant feeling of being of edge. I also struggled more with reflux during this time. Gave it a good go and tried taking in the morning instead and also the children’s version as I have a lactose intolerance and there is a small amount in the larger size 10mg(?). I was moved to zafralukast and had great success until it was discontinued. After much trial and error I’m settled on Qvar, Salmeterol and Fexafenadine (amazing) plus dymista spray during high pollen season.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Trickz008

how long have yo been lactose intolerant, i find that mine came on when i took this

Markedly improved symptoms when sleeping. No longer need 4 pillows as a prop, I can actually lie down.

Side effects, initially terrible headaches. Long lasting (10 yrs ongoing) side effect is skin sensitivity, so now use zero perfumed/colourant products, which solves it.

cathmc58 profile image

I've been on it for years now, gp put me on after severe episode when I came out of hospital, I wouldn't infact couldn't get by without it, as it keeps my lungs clearing everyday, you know your body, give it a try, good luck x

Keithr24 profile image

Hi. Was on it for many years, then hospital took me off it. All wen well for several months, until I developed gradual breathlessness and wheeze. Went back on it, nad within weeks everything cleared.

No side effects I am aware off, thrn again so many meds, hard to tell these days.

bookdaft profile image

I was prescribed it in April when my asthma became unstable. I was a bit concerned about side effects too and it does make me drowsy and give me a bit of a dry mouth. Almost immediately I noticed a big improvement in my breathing in bed at night and after a while, when I exercise. My peak flow has improved too. The drowsiness is the main thing that concerns me as I work some night shifts when I'm not shielding so I'm not sure how that will be.

Jimmy-Lyden profile image

I've been taking it for goodness knows how long with no problems, but I notice when I forget it.

westie22 profile image

Hi, I have been taking Montelukast for a long time. When I started it 20 or so years ago I did have minor side effects but not for long. Before, I'd be awake fighting for breath several times a night at certain times of the year. Unless the side effects are major, I'd persevere with it. Have you had a chat with your GP or asthma nurse about any side effects you're having.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to westie22

no point to chatting to the doctor or nuse about the side effects. they are definitely caused by the medicine and you either take it or dont take it

Singinglouder profile image

I’ve been on it 20 years, no side effects (and I’m usually good at side effects). It’s the only thing apart from salbutamol that seems to work for me - having great difficulty finding a preventer, currently waiting to see consultant.

When I started in 2000 I had to do a peak flow chart without, then a month with to see the difference - in my case 50 points up on average. If you don’t already record peak flow, worth starting.

Wheezebag profile image

I've been taking it for about 4 years. I have moderate asthma and mild bronchiectasis. I do have vivid dreams but so far only one nightmare.

Poobah profile image

It definitely helps keep my asthma symptoms down. Only side effects are vivid dreams and I'm OK with that. My asthma nurse explained that she reviews patients after a month on Montelukast by stopping it and seeing if symptoms return as it doesn't work for everyone.

MrsCMK profile image

Been on it for 3 years for out of control allergies/night wheeze. Best thing I’ve ever been prescribed. No side effects

Clareykc profile image

I have just been prescribed it after a telephone asthma review with a nurse I hadn’t met before. She thought it would help with nasal drip.

Willow7733 profile image

I have been taking it for around four years now. I take it because my asthma symptoms were waking me up at night and I have allergies. I thought I was having leg cramps due to it, but it was because I had some vitamin deficiency and was not drinking enough through the day (dehydrated). It has helped quite a lot actually.

Nanny4sprogletd profile image

I have been on it for a whike, was given because infections were making asthma worse during the night. Have no side effects and sleep through the night.

Jandm profile image

I’ve been taking it for about 12 years. I have, amongst other things, severe asthma. Nothing was controlling it. My main side effect is sinus trouble and headaches. I was essentially told to ‘get on with it’ 😂

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Jandm

think a lot of people get sinus problemswith it, how are yours now?

Jandm profile image
Jandm in reply to wiserlady

Still the same 👃🏻 😂

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Jandm

will you stay on it?: i tried to come off it twice, its not that easy to do

Jandm profile image
Jandm in reply to wiserlady

I’m end of line treatment with severe asthma along with other issues, so I’ll stick with it. I’d rather a few sinus issues over keeping my airway as best I can 👍🏼

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Jandm

Can understand that, you can always work on preventing the sinus issues, easy enough if you take biotics, vitamin c etc

Jandm profile image
Jandm in reply to wiserlady

I take vitamin supplements daily 👍🏼

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Jandm

biotics are more helpful than vitamins, it also depends on which vitamins and whether yuou take synthetic ones or natural ones

Jandm profile image
Jandm in reply to wiserlady

i take daily prophylactic antibiotics and I’ve been on them for 10 years. Everything is a balancing act when it comes to drugs, we are all so different

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Jandm

yes we are all diferent, in a way it is pointless to ask someone if this or that agrees with them

Jandm profile image
Jandm in reply to wiserlady

Asking is never pointless 😃 it’s good to know as much as possible so that we can make better informed choices

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Jandm

yes agree but some people make the mistake of thinking that if it worked well or was bad for one it will be the same with them

Jandm profile image
Jandm in reply to wiserlady

It does help to know what the most common issues are and if you can balance that against the severity of your symptoms

Bathtimebliss profile image

Have been taking montelukast for 2 yrs as my asthma was out of control after having a chest infection. Ive had no side affects and along with inhalers, and antihistamines every day it's not too bad.

Gilsla profile image

I have allergic asthma and have been on montelukast for 2 years now.

I was very poorly, when it was prescribed and for me personally there was an improvement straight away. I do not miss a single dose and since being on it I believe its contributed to me managing my asthma. It had been pescribed to me years ago, but I thought it made me put weight on..though in hindsight, I would have probably been on steroids and less active .... Ironically I am abit heavier, but I don't know if I can fully blame montelukast. I do suffer from heartburn, again I'm unsure if it has any connection to montelukast

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Gilsla

like you i had an immediate improvement, a really good one, but then it was lots of bad side effects, hope you managed to avoid them

I take it with no side effects. I got told that it is good for treating the allergy side of asthma and I must admit that since starting it about June last year I have not had an attack that requires me to nebulise.

Birthday60 profile image

It was a total game changer for me and within a week of starting to I could jog to the car from the front door rather than struggle to walk upstairs!!! I refused to look at the side effects leaflet and had no problems but I am aware that there have been some very rare and concerning side effects for young men/boys and possible suicides. I decided that as I was a woman in my 40' s it was therefore not a high risk and as it improved the quality of my life so much it actually reduced my low moods!!!

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Birthday60

am really pleased that it helped you so much, it was same with me for a while, but thenit went downhill with the side effects being bad

Luce11 profile image

I'm waiting for this prescription first time as my inhalers are not fully helping me. I'm really frustrated coughing and my anxiety is terrible. Has these tablets helped anyone?.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Luce11

how are you now? these tablets helped me a lot for about a month and then for me it was all downhill

Luce11 profile image
Luce11 in reply to wiserlady

I had an adverse reaction, so had to stop after only taking 2 tablets. On a different inhaler now.

baroque570 profile image

I have been taking it for about three years. No side effects. I'm not sure what it actually does, though.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to baroque570

reseach online tells me its a leuketroine inhibitor that stops signals reaching re allergies and asthma etc.

Suze4212 profile image

I had constant migraine headaches when taking it, had to stop.

Pipsqueak77 profile image


I took Montelukast many years ago as an add on. Didn’t get on with it as it gave me stomach problems and nightmares. Also tried Zafilukast (sp?)which I thought was a bit better but still wasn’t great but that’s not available now anyway.

However I don’t really have allergic asthma so maybe this was why? Eventually moved onto theophylline which I found much better tho also a few annoying side effects.

I hope it works for you!👍

Take care 😊

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Pipsqueak77

hi there, i am now getting stomach problems with it, have been taking it for three to four months. very bad stomach aches and feeling extremely hungry, is this what happened to you? how are you now?

Pipsqueak77 profile image
Pipsqueak77 in reply to wiserlady


Well I have to say it was several years ago now... but I did get dreadful stomach ache. Can’t say that I noticed hunger particularly but it’s difficult to say what’s what when you are on pred as well!

I had very restless sleep too.

Not had any problems since stopping it.

If it’s not working for you don’t be scared to stop.. there are other options that you can try! Ask your team!

Good Luck🤞🤞

Take care 😊

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Pipsqueak77

ive tried every inhaler and they talked as if this was the only other option

Pipsqueak77 profile image
Pipsqueak77 in reply to wiserlady


Sorry.. but are you talking of Montelukast? As this is not an inhaler... but tablet??

Apologies if i have misunderstood!!


wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Pipsqueak77

ive tried every inhaler pipsweak, and then as from this may been on montekulast, it was great at first, loads of energy and great breathing etc then gradually more and more lethargic, cough, wheeze, no energy, lots of aches and pains and now very bad stomach pains

Pipsqueak77 profile image
Pipsqueak77 in reply to wiserlady


Ahh ok well that’s more difficult then!

Have all the inhalers been steroid? Maybe you could try a LAMA or theophylline? Not sure how effective these would b on their own without steroid tho? They are usually given as add on....? Also maybe Azithromycin? But this would be specialist initiated?

Are you eligible for biologics??

Just some random ideas!!

Take care😊👍

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Pipsqueak77

thanks for the suggestions will look into them, the steroids by inhaler dont help at all, they make it worse..;... i would imagine im ellible for biotics with all ive been through and of course its not possible to go and see a consultant for ages which is no good if you struggle to breath etc - azithromycin is just an antibiotic though.

Triggerina profile image

I have taken Montelukast for 10'years. It helps my asthma and controls most of my many allergies. No side effects except I sleep better if I take it every morning instead of at night.

Blowoutthecandle profile image

I'm on Montelukast. Have been since 2014. Been asthmatic since 4 years old. My experience of it is that it helps a bit. I have Severe asthma and require lots of meds just to keep me well enough to function. No side effects from it. Hope this helps.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Blowoutthecandle

hi there, thanks for this, are you still on it now, hyow are you now? i presume you use inhalers. asthma really is difficult isnt it.

Blowoutthecandle profile image
Blowoutthecandle in reply to wiserlady

Hi, yes asthma is a real pain! Yes i'm still on it plus symbiort, spiriva respimat, ventolin, uniphylinn, prednisolone, on and on. Oh and the docs have just put me on long term antibiotics once a month too. How r u doing?

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Blowoutthecandle

sounds hard to cope with, ive been on prednisoline quite often, and am on diffrent inhalers, the downside is getting ulcers because of them, now im waiting to see my acupuncture lady again, she helped me about a year ago with asthma

Georgina76 profile image

My daughter takes it had no side effects and I think it manages her asthma really well

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Georgina76

am glad it worked for your daughter, is she still on it and fine now

Smoggy1990Boggy profile image

Brilliant medication.

Overthis profile image


I was prescribed this is 2018 just after being diagnosed with asthma. It worked almost immediately for my night time breathing difficulties. I had to stop taking it a few months later as I reacted badly to it, terrible dreams, bruising all down my arms and very low mood. I take a loratadine now instead and have far less wheezing - some people appear to tolerate it well but for other like me the effects can be quite severe. On balance I see why it is prescribed as its very effective and given that people should be very careful about coming off and only do so under supervision of their doctor.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Overthis

sounds very much like my own thing. it worked instantly and for about a month it was great, bags of energy, no breathing problems, physically feeling great, then bit by bit went downhill with depression, worry, no energy, fatigue, muscles hurting and all the rest.

MistyDay59 profile image

I have been taking Montelukast for years. I had no problems having it prescribed by my GP. In fact I had read about Singulair the brand name for Montelukast and thought it would help me, it is also relieves symptoms of hay fever and allergic rhinitis, stuffy/running itchy noses etc and asked my GP and it was prescribed. I notice the difference when I have taken it because I feel clear throughout the respiratory system. And I breathe easier and better. I have had no side effects.

Full-time profile image

Yes I've been taken montelukast for 7 years now. Since had pneumonia and my asthma been great. No side affects

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Full-time

would the pneumonia have been caused by it

virgolizzy profile image

Had it a few months ago, dreadful dreadful depression & really aggressive moods with it, had to come off it after a week, as it was so severe. Had it for a little while years ago & it didn’t have that effect then.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to virgolizzy

Thanks for your reply. How are you doing wihtout it? A lot of people say it works for them but just as many have these problems.

virgolizzy profile image
virgolizzy in reply to wiserlady

I am sooo much better without it, as it didn’t change my asthma issues at all & the aggressive moods were so severe & I didn’t want to live like that. Mind you, can’t seem to get along with inhaled steroids either, they make my asthmatic cough way worse - but now trying out a childs dose with one of the last remaining ones to try - to see if I can trick my body into accepting it & to be honest, trying to show my new Consultant that I am not making it all up!! 😂

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to virgolizzy

its interesting what you say about the inhalers, have had the same experience where using them can make me raspy, coughy, throat irritated for a bit, with no good bits. i think it might be because there is lactose in many of the inhalers and when our stomaches etc go all over the place we can become lactose intolerant

virgolizzy profile image

Well that’s interesting, I have a huge issue with dairy, both the lactose & cassein part of it!! So that may well be the reason it makes my chest way worse!!!Going to look up the ingredients right now, thankyou.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to virgolizzy

please let me know what you find out, we seem to be ha\ving similar problems and reactions

BP135 profile image

I am on it for allergic asthma. No side effects at all.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to BP135

very pleased for you

Paradigm profile image

I had a few side effects including extremely vivid dreams for a few weeks, but (in almost all cases) the body does acclimatise.

All medicines have a long list of side effects, but it's unlikely you'll get many and even less likely that they persist.

I hope this helps.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to Paradigm

ive had a lot of side effects from it, muscle cramp in legs, very painful arms and shoulders, and then breathlessless and lack of energy for a long time - had vivid dreams often but they were quite entertaining

I have been taking it a long time, no side affects. It was added as an option as I also have allergies and get sinusitus and I am worse in morning so get one to take at night and it can also be used to help those who get exercise induced asthma.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to LDloveslattecoffe

I know that acupuncture, pre and probiotics work well for allergies, sinus etc and also asthma with many people. I will be returning to my acupuncture lady when the lock down is over. Id rather be ok that way than taking drugs, especially ones that can cause liver problems and other things. You may not know it is happening but it is.

smltz profile image

I started taking Montelukast as no preventatives I had tried were effective. No side effects, in fact, no effects at all, so stopped taking it.

wiserlady profile image

oh thats a great shame, especially if none of the other things helped, how are you coping now, is it the same, can you take something to help?> acupuncture is a big help

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