I'm 12 weeks post-viral and have not been diagnosed with asthma. I (still) have breathlessness and itchy chest. I was given salbutamol 8 weeks ago and a trial of Qvar 4 weeks ago.
I had an off-the-record chat with the respiratory nurse at the GP's where I work (not where I'm registered) last week. She said I should be using the peak flow meter before and 20 minutes after taking the Qvar, not the salbutamol as I have been doing. She said if there was no difference in the reading, the Qvar is not helping. Well if anything, the PF reading is going down slightly. But does it "work" that quickly? I know salbutamol does, but I thought Qvar was a long-acting steroid that took up to 4 weeks to kick in. How can it change my reading in 20 minutes?
I'm still confused over PF readings. I don't know how to measure what it ought to be, as all the info says to take readings when my breathing is good to get a baseline reading. But it hasn't been good - that's the problem. For my height/age it should be 400 but I have managed 460 after salbutamol. I can feel pretty good first thing and blow 390, and tight and squeaky in the afternoon and blow anything between 360 and 420.
Am I just overthinking this? The GP wants a pretty chart to look at. Maybe all this is just showing that Qvar isn't helping...?