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Asthma Community Forum

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All posts for March 2014

Delays for treatment

Hi all, not sure what to do. I have an immune deficiency that is being investig...
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Fostair as reliever

Hi folks. Long time no post. On Fostair taken as MART. Great stuff. So far as d...
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Worried Parent

Hi All You may have to excuse me but I am am a newbie and its my first post. W...
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Naughty lungs

My lungs arnt happy even on max everything .Put on carbocsistine. by AnE as the ...

montelukast granules

My 5 year old son is currently taking montelukast granules for an allergic cough...

Becoming Obsessed with my Asthma

I suffer from hypochondria, if you are not aware of what this is, It's a type of...
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out of hours

A rant I'm afraid! My chest had taken its usual noise dive after being no troub...
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What is asthma?

I was at my mum's friend's house today, i took their dog out for a run so as a r...
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breathless almost all the time

hi ive had asthma many years , but since october ive nothing but probs. im now ...
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Getting a consultant referral

Hi I'm looking for some advice about how to get referred to a respiratory consu...

A bit confused about what to do

Hi :) A month ago I had a bad exacerbation and ended up having a couple of atta...
Janna123 profile image

Running after attack

I have very mild asthma, it almost never ever affects me. I had an attack on S...
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IgE blood levels & spirometry

Had first consultant appointment last week and got bloods done. I have various a...
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Niox mino

Very interesting:

Son constantly clearing his thoat

Hiya all, My son is 7 and had the cough variant Asthma. He has been constantly c...
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Ranitidine and Omeprazole

My youngest daughter is having problems with her GERD. She also has asthma but t...

Lower than (my usual) average peak flow, and asthma nurse suddenly concerned.

Hi, new user here! I've had asthma all my life, it's genetic, and I've been rel...
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daughter's asthma

Hi, was hoping for some advice. My daughter has had asthma since she was two and...
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Living with asthma

Hi I am 35 yrs of age and 4 months ago suddenly started experiencing fairly bad...
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Fundraising ideas

I have felt a lto recently that my body is taking away HUGE parts of me, and wha...
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Hi, newbie with a question.

Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with asthma this time last year after a trip to A&E...
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Pain Relief Gels and Creams

Hi, My wife has asthma but also has a prolapsed disk in her neck. She was wonde...
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Fobbed off at A and E

how do you manage frequent visits to A and E without the staff looking skyward w...
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Steroid question if you can help

As Im on lots of meds and take prednisalone as needed. My consultant added a new...
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Accidentally took an extra puff of sybmicort

I am on 400/12 twice daily and I just took an extra puff without thinking, inste...
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Hi Does anyone have any experience of having had a FeNO test to measure airways...
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I'm back again!

Ok this asthma thing has been a big learning curve for me from being diagnosed t...
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Is anyone else having issues with hayfever?

Hi all :) I've noticed that I've started getting symptoms of hayfever again ove...
Janna123 profile image

Totally at my wits end

I started with bronchitis at the end of January and I'm struggling with it as yo...
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So I'm looking to try anything right now to sort my asthma out. I've been on a n...
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