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Asthma Community Forum

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Who has a current asthma management plan ?

Have you had an asthma review in the past year ?

Do you think about your nose and nasal symptoms when you are managing your asthma?

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As we look ahead to the Easter period many are thinking about travelling to visit family. Do you consider travel insurance for asthma ?

Has anyone noticed an increase in seasonal allergy symptoms during February so far ?

Do you use a MART action plan for your MART (Maintenance and Reliever Therapy) inhaler?

Do you use a spacer with any of your inhalers? (Feel free to comment below - i.e. No - because I have dry powder inhalers - so spacer na)

Where have you gone for medical attention in the last year if your asthma has flared up? (Comments regarding medical access welcome)

Will you be attending our "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) with Dr. Andy on October 5, at 7 PM BST?

Asthma review: thinking about your last primary care asthma review please tick all answers that apply. Comments welcome

Continuing with the hay fever theme 🤧: What time of year do you find your hay fever symptoms are mostly triggered? (Tick all that apply)

Hay fever 🤧 Which, if any, medications/pharmacy solutions do you use to treat your hay fever symptoms? [select all that apply to you]

Have you heard of precision medicine?,

How would you rate your asthma control during the past 4 weeks?

How long has it been since you last took asthma medication?

When did you last have an asthma attack?

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