Polls - Asthma Community Forum | HealthUnlocked
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What's the biggest challenge you face in managing your asthma on a daily basis? Comments welcome
Asthma review: thinking about your last asthma review with your surgery, please tick all answers that apply. Comments welcome
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Do you use a MART ( maintenance and reliever therapy) action plan with your MART inhaler ?
Is Christmas time a trigger for your asthma ? If yes, we would love to hear about your triggers please document below.
Inhalers... do you have a pMDI inhaler or a dry powder inhaler? You can select more than 1 option.
As the season has shifted, we are seeing an increase in calls and symptoms , how many of you are aware of your triggers to your asthma ?
Those that have been invited for seasonal vaccines this year, will you attend for vaccination?
If you are a parent or carer of a child with Asthma, are you aware of A+LUK Parent / Carer Support Network?
Do you use a spacer with any of your inhalers? (Feel free to comment below - i.e. No - because I have dry powder inhalers - so spacer na)
Where have you gone for medical attention in the last year if your asthma has flared up? (Comments regarding medical access welcome)
Will you be attending our "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) with Dr. Andy on October 5, at 7 PM BST?
Asthma review: thinking about your last primary care asthma review please tick all answers that apply. Comments welcome
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