Hello, just wondering if anyone has had similar experiences to me post-Covid.
I’ve had asthma for 40 years, since I was 5, and I count myself very lucky that as an adult it’s been very well controlled most of the time, by a preventer inhaler and Montelukast tablets, both of which I take every day. I also have Ventolin as a reliever. The exception is when I get a chest infection - this is when it flares up, and I’ve always had quite a lot of these in autumn/winter and needed antibiotics when they’re bacterial, and often Prednisolone.
But before Covid happened, the longest I’d ever needed off work for a single chest infection was about 2.5 weeks. I then had Covid in March and July 2022, which also both times just lasted a couple of weeks. Then in December 2022 I caught the worst chest infection I’d ever had. I was completely floored and ended up needing six weeks off work in total. I had four courses of antibiotics in the end and several of Prednisolone. I had a sputum test and was told the bacteria was not an uncommon one but it was a stubborn one, so I thought I had just been very unlucky.
But then in early November 2023 the exact same thing happened again! Mutiple courses of antibiotics and Prednisolone again, plus one nebuliser at the out-of-hours GP this time, and five weeks off work. Sputum test this time showed a different bug from the previous year.
When autumn 2024 started I tried to have a positive mental attitude and just decided the same thing wasn’t going to happen this year! I did come down with a bacterial chest infection a few weeks ago - it lasted three weeks and I had two courses of antibiotics for it, but thankfully it was much milder than those of the past two years and I managed to stay at work. I’d just about felt back to normal for a couple of days last week and then my daughter brought a cough home from school, which I caught too. This has now developed into a new chest infection which is worse than the previous one, and I’m now off work and in bed. Saw the nurse practitioner at the GP surgery a few days ago, who said it’s viral and I have just wait it out, but to go back if no better in 7-10 days.
I’m dreading this getting worse and needing 5-6 weeks off work like the last couple of winters.
Nothing like this ever happened to me until after I’d had Covid. Is it just going to become an annual thing for me? Is it a form of long Covid? Is my body just worse at fighting off chest infections now? Has anyone else had a similar experience?
What the last couple of years have taught me is how incredibly lucky I have been for my asthma to have been so well controlled for the vast majority of my life, and to still be well controlled for the majority of the year. I have enormous respect for everyone living with debilitating symptoms year round, say in, day out, and really admire them for all their strength and resilience. 🙏🙏🙏