I've been ill on and off with recurrent chest infection since November. Attended A and E for the first time which was scary. I'm finally under a respiratory Consultant. It's starting to impact on my quality of life as each infection floors me as I always end up on antibiotics and steroids. Trying to eat and sleep well but getting nowhere..
Recurrent chest infections - Asthma Community ...
Recurrent chest infections

that sounds dreadful Janny!
So sorry to hear this
Hopefully your new consultant will get you a new treatment plan
I get chest infections about 4 times a year when I need to take antibiotics and steroids and can take two months to fully recover
I have an emergency pack of antibiotics and steroids to start when symptoms return and a diagnosis of COPD/asthma
But with this and my regular medication life goes on
I am very sorry to hear of your difficulties but would say that good treatment can make life a lot better even if it cannot make it all go away
Good luck!
I have the emergency rescue pack of antibiotics and steroids and have already used it twice.Have done lung function tests but not due to see my specialist until July ( I only had an initial telephone consultation in March.So I've discussed with my NP and Gp and he has agreed to do a CT scan to my chest.Also recovering from a hernia op caused by all the coughing. Tired of feeling so sick.I have grandsons I want to enjoy and get on with my life.I had Covid really bad in 2020 again in 2022 but not so bad and now wondering if this is a side effect.Ive had all the jabs I can have, don't smoke,try to eat healthy so where am I going wrong?
sounds like you are doing everything you can do
Let’s hope things improve for you it is s terrible illness
Take care
Hi thereI am waiting to have an hernia op caused by coughing.....how did you cope with anaesthetic and coughing after the op?
Hi there I can totally sympathize with you. I used to be sick many times each year and seemed to survive from one course to the next of prednisoloneI started taking advantage of all flu shot s offered to me and have only had minor flare up s for about eight years now. I am careful with my meds only taking just enough most of the time because of the side effects. Tried spiriva but blood pressure was too high and tried azithromycin but recked my stomach.. I will try a lower dose. So back to almost no Symbicort Ventolin and atrovent again with occasional neulin. My specialist is five hours drive and appointments difficult to get (4mths wait). Good luck with your specialist.
Try to avoid people with coughs+ colds as they can drop into our lungs+set thm off.if u can't,buy an anti viral spray eg Vicks first defence spray &/or wear a mask.get anyone who visits to use yr handgel - I leave a pump in loo,lounge + kitchen and its 1st thing my family do,incl grandsons.i also have in my car,same rule applies " hands please!"It does help.do use yr salbutamol spray whenever u need to+ get up mucous,or it will get reinfected xxx
Thank you. My consultant suggested I use my Symbicort as the SMART protocol but my Practice nurse gave me a Ventolin inhaler .I use it as I believe it helps and I'm the one going through this currently.Need to stock up on more hand gel!!
I had similar and asked for a sputum test…..turned out I wasnt on the correct antibiotic😔
I've done that and apparently it was negative🤔
Not had a good week.Ended up in A and E. One good thing got CT scan done within 3 days!