Its back: Morning guys I woke up this... - Anxiety Support

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Its back

11 Replies

Morning guys I woke up this morning feeling okish, but since I've been at work I've been feeling more and more anxious (I don't think it's got anything to do with work). I've not felt like this for the best part of a week and I'm finding it hard to calm myself down. Got the tight chest and the shortness of breath back my emotions are on overdrive. Just feeling a bit lost today I think.

I'm trying to concentrate on other things and keep my brain busy but I can't concentrate and my brain just seems to want to jump about the place. It's taken me the best part of an hour to focus my mind into writing this. I'm hoping once I actually start working it will help focus my mind on something different. I know I haven't got the busiest day today so it gonna be a lot of sitting about with my thoughts which should be fun.

I composed a text to my ex last night but resisted the urge to send it I've just got to wait for her to make the first move now as hard as that is.

Hope everyone has had a good week so far.


11 Replies

Morning Will........

I think this is the anxiety relating to the confusion so try remain calm and know thats what it is........

Its horrible and thats what I was meaning about you taking control, IM not being harsh only saying it cos I know thats how it affects me and when you know whats happening , even if its not what you want you can deal with it.....

Try not to stress too much.......... you know it can go as it did.........

Keep strong............

Ker x

in reply to

Just replied to your message before I see this.

Hi Will

Sorry to hear that the morning hasn't started of so good , fingers crossed the rest of the day , goes better

You really have to try & let go , your mind is so focused on one thing , something you are powerless over , I no as not the same but when my mind is focused on one thing I get the same (for me meds fear )

Somehow you need to keep distracted , even the urge to do a tx (well done for not sending it )

I don't want to sound harsh , but as a woman , (old maybe ) I have never found a man that seems desperate attractive ,most women don't & I say this to you with love as I don't want you to start coming over this way

Join in at work , with conversations , distract yourself , concentrate on your breathing , see how long you can go , make it a challenge to yourself to do this , will help distract you

Wish I had a crystal ball so I could show you one day you will be happy , because I no you will ;-)




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Hey whywhy. I was doing ok until something reminded me of her this morning and it was like a punch in the face. I do try to laugh and joke with te boys a get involved my its the times in between I struggle. I'm giving her the space she asked for the text I composed was mainly jut stuff that was on my mind along the lines of you need to be quick with letting me know, I can't wait for ever and just don't try ad comfort me with a lie if you don't live me no more then just tell me.

I wish I had a crystal ball to I'd get Fridays lottery numbers and be off to sunnier climates lol. It's not that I don't think I'll be happy I know given time I will once this has be properly resolved. It's this bein in limbo that's not helping. I just keep telling myself a coupe more days and ill know.

Hope your keeping well today and I hope your brain listened to me last night.

in reply to

Keep going Will , if you do find the crystal ball , don't forget me with those lottery numbers ;-)

Soon be weekend & then whatever the outcome , be best if you work on what ever it is , I hate to see you in limbo , I no that feeling & I am sure even if we didn't suffer with anxiety , it would cause it !

Nope , I have a naughty brain , wouldn't listen , tell you it has a mind of its own , it really does need an off switch :-D


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No worries I'll share my winnings with ya :)

Yeah it's not nice not knowing and feeling like you've got no controll over the outcome. The silly thing is if this was any other girl I'd of walked away by now

Think all of us need an off switch. We all over think over analyse bloody brains no help sometimes are they.

Pickle165 profile image

Hay will, its hard when your at work and freaking out. i knowits gonna be a quite day but really try and throw yourself into a task as daft as it seems. well done for not texting your ex. and if she does decide she all of a sudden wants you i really wouldnt drop everything and go running, you have to put your ealth first. take care today. x

in reply to Pickle165

Thanks I I tried to just throw myself into it and it worked for the most part. I won't drop everything there is a lot we need to talk about first before I just jump I'm head first.

You have a good day too x

Hi Will

I hope youre feeling a little better this evening.........

Stay strong and look after yourself.......

Im doing ok , thank you............ feel like ive turned a little corner....... still miss him but I feel I can face the future now, coulndt even face thinkjing about getting a job before........

Hope your ok!


in reply to

I'm ok sort of ish. Heads a bit all over the shop tonight. The anxiety has stopped since I've been home from work, but I'm just feeling really low now. Oh well hopefully find out what's going on by the weekend. On the upside I haven't got to work on Sunday. Glad your doing well wishing you all the luck for your interview tomorrow.

in reply to

thank you........

hopefully things will be sorted for you soon.....


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