Dont know if i have done right or wrong. T... - Anxiety Support

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Dont know if i have done right or wrong. To me i have done the best thing!!!

11 Replies

As you know i am being ignored from my OH (if thats what he is). No replies to txts and mobile on answering machine. Well today i rang his doctor up and spoke to him about how he is. His doc says he has to ring him and let him know i have spokent to him. It will probably cause more trouble. The reason i did it is because i care. If he cant see that well not a lot i can do about it. I dont expect now any contact, but at least i know i tried to help. HIs doctor has been very good with him and his anxiety. I did all i could!!!!

11 Replies

It sounds like your worried about him, and that is very normal.

Wishing you well



Thank you Baylien. Yeh i am but now i need to take a step back and let him get on with it. I did all i could. xx

in reply to

Yes, I agree, it will only drag you down if you dont let go now.

i wish you well



fadedlizard profile image

Hi Lou,

What you've done, you've done out of love.

Only time will tell how it will pan out but for yourself I think it was important to do something.

I know in the past I have rung someone's family to explain how ill they were. I felt they needed to know but it also gave me to chance to step back in good conscience as I knew I'd gone as far as I was able at that point.

Hope you're ok, love.

Take Care,


Hi Fb

Yeh thats the reason i have done it. I really dont think he will look at it that way. Hey ho whats done is done. Hopefully he will go and have a good chat.

How did the person take it when they found out?

I am ok, hope you are. xx

fadedlizard profile image
fadedlizard in reply to

I've done it twice, Lou!!!!

One came round once they felt better; understands why I did it and would do the same for me without a second thought in the same situation. And the other one well ... that friendship had long ago struck the rocks, I just didn't know how to extracate myself from the situation ... it helped in that respect!!!!!

I think maybe it will be the latter. Not just cos of what i have done, but due to a very miffed txt i sent him yesterday. Few home truths plus some things i shouldnt have said. Its not often i lose my rag but i did. Do i feel guilty? I dont know. He has put me through a lot and it was only time i was going to snap. Done so much for him but nothing back. I glad your friend appreciated what you did for them. xxx

fadedlizard profile image
fadedlizard in reply to

I don't know what the answer is Lou but think you had to do something to bring the situation to a head ~ you couldn't go on like this indefinitely. If the roles were reversed would he have put up with his treatment?!!!

FL you have given me some fabulous knowledge over the last few days. You are so right with bringing the situation to a head. xx

I hope itcomes good for you Lou, I think youve been a saint putting up with what you have, dont think many people would..... I think whatever the outcome, it has to change now so hopefully you will be happy soon!!

Love Ker x

Thanks Anne

How are you. Hope you are ok. xx

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