My name is Astrid. I am severely suffering with Anxiety problems. I worry about situations and small things unnecessarily and quite frequently. I'm 19 years old turning 20 in three months, I fear that my days of being young and having fun will be eliminated by my Anxiety, which is why I've joined the Anxiety UK Community today. I find that the stress i'm enduring has rose significantly due to the pressures of my Anxiety problems. Not only do I worry about things but I find it difficult to sleep, therefore disrupting my routine. I'm up all hours, i'm feeling tired a lot in the day due to this. I'm over-thinking and my brain is over-active all the time so I can't concentrate on one thing or be relaxed. I'm constantly eating more, i'm becoming more anxious and scared in social situations. I have to ask my friends or family to basically "hold my hand", not in the literal sense. I get nervous all the time, sometimes I get nervous about going downstairs just to say hello to my family. I hide away in my room until eventually feeling okay enough to go downstairs. I have panic attacks occasionally, sometimes it hurts because I feel like I can't breathe, it feels like one sharp intake of breath and then that's it - I think i'm gonna die. Oh God help me!
I feel like it's taking over my life. I've tried reading a book to help with Anxiety but it didn't work and hasn't helped at all.
Maybe i'll figure this all out, but for now, what should I do? What's the best way to deal with this? CBT? Seeing a doctor? A therapist? Can anybody give me some answers about anxiety?
I am so unsure. I feel so alone.