Thing is, I'm not actually worried about anything in particular but the trembling is accompanied by a feeling of dread. It gets worse if I have to drive ( and I'm an experienced driver) - so I'm avoiding that. I don't have any other symptoms such as a racing heart or dizziness.
For 3 weeks, I have been shaking inside my... - Anxiety Support
For 3 weeks, I have been shaking inside my body and now it's happening all the time. Is this anxiety/panic? .Will it go away by itself?

Hi joella, i used to shake all the time untill i got a bit more controll over my anxiety and then it calmed down, i still get it sometimes when im still stressed. do go to your doctors if you have no other side effect just to be on the safe side. please let me know the outcome. x
Anxiety can just have one symptom or many , you say you dread the shaking & gets worse when driving , that is sign you are worrying in the back of your mind even though you dont feel you are not
Sounds like anxiety , have a word with your GP , they can reassure its nothing serious , which I am sure it isnt , other memebers have had the same experience as you on here if you look through the blogs you will be able to see them
Dread is a type of fear , leads to anxiety , feeds the fear & can cause you to feel how you do
Let us no how you go on
I'm so pleased I've come across this site, I suffered a traumatic birth in January and had my first panic attack shortly after. I've noticed I'm shaking over the past few days, like I'm leaning against a vibrating chair almost? My lg of 6 weeks was vomiting and i got sent to a&e the day it started... Do u think this is anxiety? I've recently started my anti depressants for pnd too!
This is how my anxiety started! I completely understand, it is horrid it can go on for hours and hours an it is just exhausting! It completely drains your whole body! It almost defiantly sounds like anxiety! A trip to the doctors will be good because it will give you some reassurance and some help, and you will find that may ease some of the shaking! The best thing is to reassure yourself everything is OK, It is usually caused by a subconscious worry, and your only aware of it through physical effects but talking to someone will help find the cause of the problem, making the symptoms more manageable. Good luck with everything
I have been shaking inside my body and now it's happening continuously . Is this anxiety/panic? or side effect of syndopa tablet
.Will it go away by itself?