I think I have had Anxiety for most of my ... - Anxiety Support

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I think I have had Anxiety for most of my life but have ignored it until now.

Victoria24 profile image
16 Replies

Good Afternoon all, I am 24 years old and have only just come to terms with the fact that I have anxiety. I went to the doctors a few weeks back with a lot of physical symptom's that I couldn't explain. I had an 'MOT' and health wise there is nothing wrong with me, I was told that the symptoms I was having were all linked to being anxious/suffering with anxiety. After doing a lot of research a lot of issues I have had during my life make a lot more sense now!

I am happy that a lot of questions have been answered but I am absolutely terrified. Since being to the doctors I cant stop my brain from thinking, I cant stop feeling like there's something wrong with me. How do I fight this? I don't want this to control my life anymore. I over think and worry most of the time, some weeks everything is great, other weeks it takes over everything.

My biggest concern (which has kept happening on and off since I was 13 years old) is often when I am feeling anxious I cant eat anything at all. Its like I suddenly have this fear of eating, I cant seem to stomach anything and after a few days I feel so poorly and so weak. It really is a horrible circle, I feel scared to eat yet I know I have too, but my stomach shrinks so it becomes so difficult to force anything down. I have recently had a couple of panic attacks at work that I cant explain. When I have good days I feel positive and think I can fight this, but when it comes back and hits me I cant cope.

Should I see someone?

Will counselling help or do I just need to accept that this is me?

Has anybody experienced an extreme loss of appetite?

Any advice and experiences would be greatly appreciated.


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Victoria24 profile image
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16 Replies
Will_00 profile image

Yeah you should see someone. And yes to your symptoms. Most of us have had your symptoms.

ccjj profile image

Hi Victoria

I have the same problem and in fact have it at the moment. It happens a lot while I'm away from my home environment and I panic because I'm not close to my Medical centre and Doctors,

I like you cannot eat through sheer panic and my family keep asking what is wrong with me. I don't want to worry them but they know something isn't right. I also have stomache cramps IBS and I'm too nervous to eat, and other panic symptoms and think something is wrong with me.

It's alright people telling you not to be silly and be thankful you are alive but it doesn't help much.

I am on 20 mil citalapram a day I was on it for 5 years and came off it for 4 months but couldn't cope without it I have now been back on it for 4 months but it's not working so I will have to think again.

There are so many ways to try and fight this to get relief from your symptoms and it's just getting the right ingredients. Do try counsellling it's worth a try.

Hope things turn out ok

Best wishes


Victoria24 profile image
Victoria24 in reply to ccjj

Hi Chris,

Thank you very much for your response, I really appreciate it.

I am struggling at the moment too (eating) When I was younger my parents and myself thought that there was something medically wrong with me. I even had counselling back then. My doctor and my parents thought that it was an eating disorder but it never felt that way to me. I really wish I knew what it was back then!

Because my relationship with food in the past was so negative I have this on going fear of being poorly and not being able to eat. It really is a horrible situation to be in. Now I am older and understand how important it is to eat I can slowly force myself to eat little amounts but its still not easy and not enough to keep me going!

I have researched a little bit about medication and personally would rather avoid that option if I can.

Its really interesting to read that you have had similar symptoms to me. I seem to lose my appetite during busy periods of my life or events. For example Christmas is always an issue, all that food and pressure to be well because there is so much going on.. I haven't been able to eat properly since Christmas Eve.

Thank you again for your help

Victoria x

ccjj profile image
ccjj in reply to Victoria24

Hi Victoria

I forgot to say yesterday that the Doctor told me that this anxiety can be hereditary. My Dad didn't suffer with it but my mum does even now and it definitely had an effect on me from an early age especially as my mum was constantly asking if I was ok nearly every day. In the end as you get older you actually begin to think that there is something wrong with you and it stems from there.

Even to this day every time I speak to my mum on the phone she keeps asking me if I'm ok so I still feel slightly dependant on her as she knows what I'm going through.

I don't quite know the answer but I'm working on it,

Best wishes


Hi Victoria, a nervous stomach coupled with anxiety can put anyone off their food. But you're right in eating small amounts of healthy food to fuel your body.

I was on prozac years ago, and it really did lift my spirits with its calming effect.

Sometimes talking to a caring therapist can put things in perspective and reduce your flood of thoughts into a peaceful step by step process.

I hope you get the help you truly deserve and please keep us updated.

Take care, Sookie xx

susannaylor profile image

Hello Victoria 24

I feel for you x I've been there x I'm a lot better now x but I suffer with panic attacks and anxiety and IBS x all not very good for the tummy area x

But when someone says to me let's go out for a meal x that's one of my problems x I'd really like to go out for meals but I panic for some in known reason in going into restaurants to eat x I also suffer with tightness of the chest which is a part of anxiety x I did go a anxiety clinic which did help me x I do breathing exercises x listen to calming cd's or try and go for a walk x it does all help x but sometimes just keeps hanging on x so I do know what your going through x the breathing exercising does help so try doing them x go onto you tube and see what the Breathing exercises are x just try anything to help x

Let me know how you get in darling x Sue

susannaylor profile image

The thing is by not eating your stomache ends up shrinking and then it's a problem eating x but I've found out its best to eat small amounts at a time x and make sure you drink a lot x because if you dehydrate that's when you start to feel worse x

KathB131 profile image

Hi Victoria, I'm undergoing CBT therapy at the moment, early days but I'm hoping it will help. I also am on an anti depressant and another tablet for anxiety. I also suffer with not eating loss of appetite but I'm overweight and 64yrs old so it doesn't really worry me that much. So I eat when I feel up to it but drink plenty of water.

It's a nasty thing to suffer anxiety/panic and it's unreal how many people suffer this every day. On this forum you will read and hopefully take notice that it will not harm you, it is only a feeling not nice but it will fade. If you watch you tube their are some good videos on their for meditation, relaxation and mindfulness techniques, it is not a quick cure but it will help you relax.

I suffer, nauseau, nervous stomach, generally feeling unwell most days, tired my sleep pattern is terrible and I'm lucky to if I get 4 hours sleep in one go.

Get your doctors help and advise, but just believe it is only a mind thing and if you can get it under control it won't control you. lol says me still suffering but trying my best!

Good luck, and best wishes to all you guys with this horrible problem.

Victoria24 profile image

I Just wanted to say thank you to all of you that replied to this post, it really helped me get through Christmas and fight to stay positive. - I have also booked an appointment to see my doctor.

Happy new year to you all.

Victoria x

susannaylor profile image

Hello Victoria 24 I'm glad your feeling a bit better in yourself x let me know how you get on at doctors

Victoria24 profile image
Victoria24 in reply to susannaylor

Hi Susannaylor,

I think I spoke to soon.

Last night I had a panic/anxiety attack that lasted 3 hours, it was so bad that I was dry heaving.

I then had a headache that was terrible and felt so low.

I went to bed, at 1.30 am I woke up and was sick, then I woke up again at 2.30 and was sick.

Currently sat at work feeling absolutely awful.

Luckily I phoned the doctors and they have moved my appointment to today at 19.30, when is this all going to end!

I don't feel myself anymore, its like I don't know who I am, I am so fed up of feeling ill everyday!

Victoria x

susannaylor profile image

Hello Victoria 24

I'm so sorry that your not feeling very well x perhaps you might just have a virus and if you suffer with anxiety your mind does over time in thinking that there is sone thing really bad with x I understand you as I do it myself it happens to me x and even if I have ti go to doctors I panic x but it is hard for you to calm down x but try taking some time out to yourself and lay and listen to some music and unwind your body x believe me it does help Victoria x I gave felt so bad at the beginning of my anxiety that I thought I wS going to die x but i'm still hear x telling this bloody anxiety that it need to bugger off x haven't got time in your life forit x I've got where I have without any mediction x gard work but I'm getting there x when you see the doctor today ask him if there's a anxiety clinic that you can go to xit does help to speak to others that are going through the same as you x it's the brain trying to rule your body x but you have to tell this anxiety that you are in control of your body x good luck Victoria 24 keep in touch and let me know how you get on at doctors x x

Victoria24 profile image
Victoria24 in reply to susannaylor

I went to the doctors last night and he thought it would be a good idea for me to try 50mg of sertraline for 4 weeks and try counselling. The thought of taking tablets make me nervous, I really worry about side effects. I picked them up this morning but don't want to take one! - Have you heard of these?x

susannaylor profile image

Hello Victoria 24 I haven't heard of these tablets but obviously doctor thinks they may help you x but I know what your saying about taking them as I am exactly the same x I look up dude affects and that worries you x but all yoy can do us give them a try for a week and see how you react to them x uf you feel as though they making you feel to good then stop raking them and gi back to doctors x but sometime medication does take a while to settle on your body x but it sounds like your very much like me x your gonna start to worry that the tablets are going to make you feel worse x butyou said that over Christmas you wasn't to bad x si obviously you done something then to settle yourself down x which most probably was had yoy mind ocupid wirh other things x when I get a bit tensed up ut feels likeall my chest Just tightened up whuch causes me discomfort in my upper body I e chest neck shoulders and stomache x hard to relax x then that's when you have to have a talk to yourself x do your breathing exercises and tell yourself there's nothing wrong with me x I've had all the tests x so just bugger koff anxiety haven't got time x this iscthe way I have delt with this x no I'm not taking tablets x doctor tried me on 2 lots x but it worried me in taking them x hope you will find my messages helpful Victoria 24 x good luck darling x

Victoria24 profile image
Victoria24 in reply to susannaylor

Thank you lovely.

I don't think it has helped that I have been suffering with a bad cold this week, you feel rubbish with a cold anyway let alone with all this on top of it! I have a strange phobia of being ill and taking medication, very odd, but I am trying my best to cope.

My doctor is so lovely and has known me since I was 9 years old, I do trust him and he said that he would never give me anything if he didn't think it could help me. - I felt better after that.

I Think I am going to let my cold end so I don't feel so rough and then start taking the tablets. I have to give them a good go like you said, and would the side effects be as bad as anxiety has made me feel anyway? Probably not!

Hope everything is well with you?

Victoria x

susannaylor profile image

Yes as you say x feeling unwell .just adds to the problems if anxiety x yes give the medication a go and see from there x lucky you have a good doctor x I'm sure you will be fine x you copped through Christmas on your own steam x I'm sure you will feel alot better soon x keep in touch with me x nice talking to you x take care darling x

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