Good Afternoon all, I am 24 years old and have only just come to terms with the fact that I have anxiety. I went to the doctors a few weeks back with a lot of physical symptom's that I couldn't explain. I had an 'MOT' and health wise there is nothing wrong with me, I was told that the symptoms I was having were all linked to being anxious/suffering with anxiety. After doing a lot of research a lot of issues I have had during my life make a lot more sense now!
I am happy that a lot of questions have been answered but I am absolutely terrified. Since being to the doctors I cant stop my brain from thinking, I cant stop feeling like there's something wrong with me. How do I fight this? I don't want this to control my life anymore. I over think and worry most of the time, some weeks everything is great, other weeks it takes over everything.
My biggest concern (which has kept happening on and off since I was 13 years old) is often when I am feeling anxious I cant eat anything at all. Its like I suddenly have this fear of eating, I cant seem to stomach anything and after a few days I feel so poorly and so weak. It really is a horrible circle, I feel scared to eat yet I know I have too, but my stomach shrinks so it becomes so difficult to force anything down. I have recently had a couple of panic attacks at work that I cant explain. When I have good days I feel positive and think I can fight this, but when it comes back and hits me I cant cope.
Should I see someone?
Will counselling help or do I just need to accept that this is me?
Has anybody experienced an extreme loss of appetite?
Any advice and experiences would be greatly appreciated.