New to site : Hi . Took my first sertraline 50mg yesterday and it wasn't nice will the long term benefits make all this worth while ? It made my aniexty so much worse i have been putting off taking it again today. Im just worried I will go through all this ans will still end up feeling no better! Does anyone have any advise ?
Sertraline 50mg - side effects: New to site... - Anxiety Support
Sertraline 50mg - side effects

Hiya Loopsyloo
Hope you are picking up.
What I know about Setraline is it can lift depression. I think maybe if your symptoms are anxiety, then perhaps emphasise this to the doctor.
There are varying degrees of depression and there are varying degrees of anxiety. Therefore, it is important we get the right medication.
Depression is terrible but what I found is it does lift with medication such as Sertraline. As for anxiety, then I think it is important to get something from the doctor to ease the anxiety.
Setraline in my experience works for bad depression, but if it makes us anxious ...really anxious ...then it is important to get something to counter the anxiety.
Good luck, Vince : )
I was prescribed sertraline for anxiety and depression and although it doesn't help completely it lifted the pins and needles I was getting all over my body due to nervousness and hyperventilating without realizing i was doing so. You need to go back to the Doctor and ask to be put on citalopram as it helps a lot more than fluoxetine and sertraline. Hope this helps!!!! And hope you feel better soon!!!! p.s. if there is something you love doing e.g. listening to music do it as much as you can as it also helps to take the edge off.
Plse read the question sick... u will found awnsers on there as question about sertreline.x
P.S its so hard 2 say if antidepressants will work, we dnt know until we try + thats the honest truth. ive gone through recent hell tryin 2 find an antidepressant i can tolerate + after mnths hav still not managed. the crisis team took me of citolopram + put me on sertreline, they said it was better than citolopram + bst 4 anxiety but my experience was horrific wiv these. the anxiety is suposed 2 subside after about 4 days + can also cause panic attacks at 1st. there is a lot of people on ere who r sayin sertreline makes anxiety worse as i found but there is a lot of people who do well of them or they wouldnt b licensed. the mental hlth team dr told me the anxiety should lst a week so u could try it 4 lets say jst over a week + c if it dissapears or u could cut them in half like i did + build ur tolerence up slowly, i found this a lot better. kindest regards leeanne.x
I tried sertreline and had bad side affects to them,my doc took me off them,i cant have any medication,have bad side affects,fighting this on my own,and its working
Its strange because when I was in my 20's I took setraline and found it beneficial and them came off it after a short time when I felt better able to cope with life stresses. However when I was in my mid 30's I had it again and got all sorts of side effects like sweating, pins and needles and even discharge from my bust . Kind of put me off . I prefer natural approaches to anxiety but it depends how severe the anxiety or depression is . you need to find what is best for you .