Do u think this is a punishment, the way w... - Anxiety Support

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Do u think this is a punishment, the way we are??

Canon profile image
10 Replies
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Canon profile image
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10 Replies

To be honest, i really think it is genetic. My mum and her mum suffered with anxiety/nerves, i remember my mum being hooked on valium, my daughters are showing signs of anxiety too.

Punishment? i dont think so, im a nice person and would hate to think im being punished for something ive not done x

0704angela profile image

Hi Linny13, I suffer from Anxiety/depression and although I do not have a lot of control over it, and it rears its ugly head whenever I don't want it too, I know that it is not anything wrong with me... My mother suffered from depression, my daughters both have anxiety problems, social fobias, but I still believe that it is the bodys reaction to events in our life. Mine was a very distressing childhood, molested at 9 and 11, and overweight -self esteem issues as a teenager, ill health and lack of money and security has also added to this cocktail.. It is easy to think that your condition is hereditary, and for me I thought I had schizophrenia for many years just because my father suffered due to his upbringing and treatment as a younger person. I feel that my daughters have phobias too due to circumstances in their lives, bullying, and being sick in front of people once and therefore building up a fear of social eating. I know that this is their bodies reaction to these events and they have both got my support and experience to help them get through it and now partners who are aware of the situation.

I think you need to forget what you feel and think and focus on why you may have these attacts and how you can manage them. Take all the help that is on offer CBT, Counselling Support, Medication, whatever suits you but never think that it is because you are a bad person in some way, it is just the way our bodies are made. To fly away when we are confronted with things we don't like.

Good luck and remember we are all here if you need us!

Angela x

hairyfairy profile image

I don`t belive that it`s a puishment, because people who suffer from anxiety are usually very good & caring people, & so don`t dserve to be punished in any way. I can relate to genetics as a predisposing factor, because my mother was a terrible worrier. If the wasn`t a problem, she would invent one. I`m nowhere near as bad as she was for anxiety, but I do wish that I`d had better genes because I had a baby when I was 18, & he was adopted. I do believe that I passed down bad genes, & if I knew then what I know now, I would have made absolutely sure that I did not have children, because the guilt of what Iv`e handed down haunts me often. I feel that Iv`e commited the worst crime of all that any parent can commit against their offspring, that of lumbering them with genes that will blight their life, & the lives of their children & grandchildren.

I don't believe that anxiety and depression are punishment. If it were, it would be unfair for good people to be afflicted by it.

I don't preach on here, but the God that I believe in would never punish good people.

Anxiety is an illness and people of all types suffer. I have had emetophobia since I was very small, way too young to have needed punishing for anything. Mine is either genetic or aquired through living with a very anxious parent.

I can understand though, why at times of severe anxiety, it can FEEL like punishment.

Hi. not. This idea of being punished for deeds in a past life is only theory. There are many theories about this and if we believed them all we would finish up in complete confusion. We need to keep it simple. We are sensitised in the here and now and that needs sorting first. Very best wishes. jonathan.

ellabella profile image

I too believe it is genetic or a bad reaction to a certain situation and experience. If it were a punishment ( and YES Funky! It Does feel like one!!!) I must have been a bad un lol xxxxxxxx

Pennylayne profile image

I think that unfortunately we are very good at punishing ourselves and often our own low self esteem and feelings of not being 'good enough' are a large part of what makes us suffer so much with anxiety etc.

If when we were children we were punished a fair bit and lots of things were going wrong we can grow up with the idea that we don't measure up. We find ourselves lacking, and we have this horrible aching feeling on the inside that never really goes away.......sometimes it's full blown anxiety and sometimes it's just relentless feelings of being different and unlovable.

Looking for an answer makes us think that there must be a reason why we are like this and others are not.

Most of us have been 'punished' more than is good for us, much of it by finding it so hard to accept and love ourselves .......that's the difficult bit but if we can accept ourselves as we are and think ........I'm a survivor and I don't want to be a victim we can hopefully ease the burden a little.

rouri profile image

i do sometimes, my mum has it for a long time and i do and my sister, it is sometimes hidden in your body and trigerred by very stressful event.xx

stresshead profile image

Thinking that you are the cause and need to be punished is a system of anx not a cause. Your perpective of yourself when you look to your passed it distorted you view all things as your fault - dont dwell in the past remember you will never be going back there you cannot change things no matter how much you think and rethink a situation that has caused you destress - give your self a break - be nice to yourself - if thinking of something destresses you then take control and say no Im not going there think of something else something better

Dyslexichick profile image

NO. I hate this kind of thinking. I don't think its healthy at all. We are the way we are for all sorts of different reasons but we are not being punished by some higher power.

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