the joys of early morning: well, it's 3am... - Anxiety Support

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the joys of early morning

18 Replies

well, it's 3am, and awake. I now accept, or am trying to, that this is part of my condition and in order to move forward I must accept it. so, I have read for 20 mins and thought would blog here. The sweats have stopped but have left me a little cold and am going for a cup of tea. :-)

18 Replies

nope, still awake and sweating

Pennylayne profile image

Hi Shamus ..........I didn't sleep well either....there's a lot of it about, we can only keep each other going and at least we can share our woes. Take Care PL

Bramwell profile image


I haven't slept what I would call well for years now.

The early morning waking in a panic is normal for me.

As Pennylayne says - 'there's a lot of it about'.

ellabella profile image

Hi All , I was awake and kicking too! all I can suggest is try and make yourself more comfortable. After all if we are going to be awake no point in lying there and sweating. It's tempting to try and go back to sleep feeling like this but not very pleasant. Any suggestions anyone?xxxxxxxxxx

Hi All,

If I wake up early morning I usually put my MP3 player on and listen to my calming music and meditations, this doesn't always lull me into a sleep, but does calm the panic down. xx

ellabella profile image

That's great ecinue, I am going to have to get an mp3 player, I may ask Santa for one. @ Shamus please take the lorazepam. I have just looked at another post where you are waiting for the worst day to take them. I think these are the worst days mate. You are very sensitized and need this medication. Just to give you a break from all this anxiety. It won't knock you out or anything stupid like that, but you will feel calm and more in control..honestly I wouldn't have you on. Please take it and see how you feel and let us know Love and Hugs xxxxxxx

in reply to ellabella

Hi. One MP3 player on order. Should arrive by Christmas. Love. Santa.

@ellebella, I know lass, I'm scared to take it. They gave me 14x 1mg tabs, I've read they can b addictive, I don't wont to rely on them and I'm back on night shifts next week. I am trying the acceptance, but when all you want is sleep and instead all you do is pour sweat, it doesn't feellike much acceptance is working. Will take a tab tonight, at least I should get some sleep before back to work tomorrow.

Much love and thanks to all for your posts, it's nice to know I'm not alone.

Hi. shamus. Acceptance takes time so try not to give up on it. ellabella is right. Tablets are for use in the short term and provided you can accept that then you should take them as prescribed. They are a crutch, a walking stick, as when you have a broken leg. Throw them away when you are healed. Best wishes and blessings. jonathan.

Do I take it before bed or after I wake up sweating. ?

ellabella profile image

Take it about 20 mins before you go to bed flower....Don't worry, It will help and give you a much needed rest. 1 mg is a tiny dose Shamus, I will be thinking of you love and hugs xxxxx

SusyB profile image

Hi Shamus, I have trouble sleeping too so you are definitely not alone. I am trying what you are doing and to accept it as and when it comes along but unfortunately, changes don't happen overnight. Take Ellabella's and Jonathan's sound advice about the tablets and try to think of them as only being short-term whilst you get back on track, good luck xx

Thank you all for your kind words and support. Lets play mind tennis at 4 am, :)

ellabella profile image

LOL OK xxxxxxxxxxxxx

daisy459 profile image

The Lorazepam helped me sleep Shamus. When i knew it was time to stop taking them i started taking Kalms instead and they just filled the gap left by the Lorazepam i have been sleeping just fine. Some would say i have substuted one for the other but at least Kalms are herbal!

When you get your MP3, download some of the MP3 downloads from In fact, it's prob worth having a look on this site anyway as they have lots of useful info.

Don't lie in bed being restless if you can't sleep. Get up so your mind doesn't start linking the room to panic and sleeplessness. Get a cup of milk, read, watch TV, do anything and then after 30 mins or so, go back to bed and try again.

Sending best wishes :)

in reply to daisy459

Thank you for the tips. :)

ellabella profile image

How did it go Shamus? xxxxxx

hello, managed from ten till five still tired but feel better thanks you for asking. will be doing the same tonight :)

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