So I'm going to accept the fact that I have anxiety and I'm Always going to have this fear In Me. I have been doing a little better but I can't help to still feel trapped and afraid that it's over for me. And it seems like whenever I think about something or someone it appears so I'm feeling anxious.
Accepting the Fact: So I'm going to accept... - Anxiety Support
Accepting the Fact

I have had panic and anxiety since childhood, I DID have numerous good years in my mid 20s and 30's why I don't know.....NOW I live in fear, I don't know why. I truly know how you feel that this is it........I keep thinking that if I could be normal for a fair period once, it could happen I don't know.
I kept telling myself that this is just a phase, I'll get through it but the thought of having another attack keeps me in fear too. I feel comfortable knowing we can chat up here and have understanding
I honestly try to reason with myself, with my thinking.....making like a list of pros and cons, what IS real what is NOT. I myself can logic it out but do you think I can over ride the fear and anxiety? NO! It really angers and upsets me. I often wonder if I had just one friend right with me in real life, who suffers the same, would we help each other or perhaps give each other bad ideas? I just want to stop the fear every morning I wake....and yes I KNOW I am lucky I did wake up, but I also would like to be happy and look forward to the day.
Same with me I've had several good years to little or no anxiety but It's back. From years of experience I can manage it pretty well but to be truthful I know that even if I get over it I know it will come back. It always does unfortunately
It just doesn't seem logical how there can be times when we feel like normal human beings, then all of a sudden, we are shaking, short of breath, a knot in our stomach, and worrying about what ifs!!! What amazes me is that there are seldom support groups where people can go and connect with each other and be with those who understand.
yep to be honest it just seems to come and go in waves and I think most treatments are useless. They may help manage it but honestly I've went into long remissions without and meds or treatment at all and then I've had symptoms linger for months even years while doing everything rignt, diet exercise medication u name it.
I think circumstances can set a person off. I have never been off meds once I started them many yrs ago but I don't always feel they help!! With me there has always been one under lying fear....the fear of death....and that though can set off anxiety and cause it to stay for however long. I often think if I could just brush off the fear and fact that we are all going to die, I would have a less fearful life. The mind is so powerful
Indeed the mind is strong. I'm not anti med btw. They help many but I still think the nature of anxiety and depression is still mostly unknown.the more you study and research it you realize your guess is as good is anyone's how to treat. For example this morning I was totally beside myself anxious just bad, bad thoughts stomach churning flush face and right now only a few hours later I'm perfectly fine. As if nothing happened. No meds, no tapping it just went. It'That's just one day this happens with weeks too, good weeks bad weeks etc.
do you find tapping helps? I often find by supper time for some unknown reason I feel better, who knows why? It doesn't make sense! Frankly I often doubt that meds do cure anything. Sometime I feel they are a bandage. I find talking to those who truly understand helps most. I just wish they would have more support groups available.
Tapping does help me but it's like a most things it's temporary. I'm glad you get peace at supper time. My calm period is a few hours before bed when I know I have no more responsibilities for the day.
I have just started tapping....I'd try anything@ Yes, my husband and I note I usually start to calm pre supper, evening and bed time...unless that is my heart is acting up then I'm a mess as usual. I don't worry about responsibilities, I worry about health issues and what ifs.....and I know I must deal with a phobia about death....I of course know it is something that will come to all but I dwell on how, why, when and where....a total waste of what could be good time.
Hi there, the worst thing about anxiety is the deep fear!!! Feeling there is nothing that exites or inspires me. Is this really it for the rest of our lives??? I feel so alone and feel like I'm going mad with these all consuming feelings. Getting through the days ahead frighten me and I see no future!!., so many people are going through this due to the fast living and media frenzy!! All I want is a quiet low paced life with lots of love and support!! I wish us all peace and love and good days ahead.
I totally understand the deep fear.....much of the time it over takes me, controls me and I'm a shaking mess. I just would like to be able to reason with my brain and talk myself calm and be able to smile and enjoy life. No matter what I've tried, nothing has helped. I cry at times just out of hopelessness
I'm so sorry your suffering so much pain and I can really relate!! If only there was a button in our brain we could switch of. I get shakey and lose weight with the trauma. The fear overtakes everything!! I hate taking pills. There must be an easier way to take control of this??? Your in my thoughts.
Boy do I hear you! All meds have possible side effects....of course..... thus some of us over think that. I've often said I wish we had an on/off button for our thoughts. Fear is strong!! Fear is over powering.....even if we realize that logically we are not thinking right. I so wish we could find one single act that would help all of us. We live in hope. It is pathetic that we have to face each day in fear.
We really do think alike, I wish we could all be free of this torment and feel at peace with our thoughts. It really helps to relate to someone who understands. My heart goes out to each and everyone of us and I hope one day we can eradicate what feels to me like a cancer eating away at me and terrifies me. Sometimes it's so over powering I struggle to carry on. Most days I put on a brave face and feel like an actress playing the part of hey! I'm doing ok!! When really I'm not. I hope you have a peaceful and calm weekend.
Only those who have been here can understand. To me it is like a constant terror inside me.....I am simply waiting to either pass out or die from it...waiting. I cannot always hide it, hubby says he sees it in my eyes, not to mention my hands shake like a leaf. Thank you for your kind thoughts, our daughter and family are coming down, I hope I don't spoil it on them
Bless you!! Sending you love and light and strength, from someone who truely u derstands!
Do not give up hope. I am now 2 years anxiety free. I thought I would never be free but I did it. No more medication and I have my normal life back. It was hard work to retrain my mind. CBT , meds, determination, distraction teqniques.... combined together to make me a winner.