I find that now a days, I try to keep distance from people or finish the conversation in short or direct answer do i have some thing wrong..
I find changes in me.: I find that now a... - Anxiety Support
I find changes in me.
Hi Alexben. Your blog is a bit short on facts. Do you feel bored with people? Conversations can sometimes be very boring. Are you a naturally shy person? Are you so wrapped in your own thoughts that you have a problem communicating. (This is not selfishness). Anyway, what's wrong with short and direct answers. I sometimes feel I could do with a lesson on that. Let us hear from you again. Good luck. jonathan.
Maybe it's a confidence problem Alexben, when I am struggling ( which I known darn well I shouldn't be doing) I have problems communicating or answering the phone. My conversation just feels as if it has been stolen away from me .......nothing to say at all!!???. Even yea or nay are a problem... keep blogging..just to show you are there a smiley or sad face will do xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi AlexBen.
I do that when I am getting depressed so people don't question me and it is like I don't have time for them because my mind is to busy analyzeing myself, then I steadily start to hide away not socializing at all.
If this rings any bells go and see your gp catch it before you rrtreat to much
Goof luck, and don't beat yourself up about it, everyone needs their own space from time to time. Steve