I recently posted a question about my anxiety, I have had it for 3 years or so and I was reduced from my current employment to look for another job.
I am a very nervous person, I blush at the silliest things, although people generally dont see it because I have ran a mile by that time.
I went for a job interview last week, it was so nerve racking, palpitations, sweaty hand, stuttering, hot flushes, the odds were against me. I was not confident at all. (the interviewer had other ideas and said that I was which I was pretty shocked about)
I got offered the job this morning, they really liked me, it has given me a massive boost, I am determined to beat this and be more confident in myself.
Many thanks for reading, I just wanted to share some sucess and help people realise that with pure mind determination in the right place, people can do it.
I also paid for something in the supermarket by myself, I thought 'oh well, I may as well do it myself' it was a spur of the moment thing, but the thought was there in my mind and I was confident about it. Everything was fine.
I think I am on the way to getting better, I have had 3 months of hypnotherapy which has calmed me down a lot and using rescue remedy which is great stuff.
Thank you for reading