Hi im new to this site, Finally been diagnosed with OCD, PTSS & Anxiety, My doctor has just changed one of my medications to Mirtazapine, anybody else use this?? does it help?? i sleep badly because of flashbacks, nightmares, & constant anxiety. Currently using Zopiclone but they make me feel reallydizzy the next day
Mirtazapine, Zopiclone: Hi im new to this... - Anxiety Support
Mirtazapine, Zopiclone

i was on these just for a short time as they made me sleep a lot very tired ll the time and caused bad weight gain , but then a lot do . hope these work for you good luck maxine
Zopiclone is normally quite good and doesnt leave me drowsy the next day.I take quetiapine though and that interacts with the zopiclone making the affects more intense. Which can be weird when you get up in the night to go for a wee. But no ive had no bad effects when i get up.
Hi Twinkle, I have been on mirtazapine for 2-3 years. It has anti-histermines in to help me sleep. I haven't had any adverse reactions to them, but I believe everyone is different in this regard, what works for one won't work for another.
Good luck, I know how frustrating it can be to find the right meds, I am still trying. I have just been given pregabalin for anxiety and they see to work with no real adverse side effects.
Hi twinkle if your having flashbacks, have you had any other therapy like EMDR. I had ptsd for eight years and this got rid of it. I was on quatiapine, which did help. I'm on mirtazapine now for depression, but not found it much good. stillstanding
Thankyou for all your feedback, i guess its going to be trial & error with the medication?? Hi still standing, i was originally refered for CBT but i was told i have to many co-morbid anxiety disorders to have that?? ive been refered to a physcologist but theres another 12mth waiting list, not helpful to me, i just feel at a total loss, everything im taking isnt lifting my mood, and the anxiety is worse than ever,