Hi,question for the forum,can anxiety affe... - Anxiety Support
Hi,question for the forum,can anxiety affect your ears
Hi, I find I get a strange feeling in my left ear and around my left temple when I have the anxiety. It feels a bit like it is blocked or I have a cold. My anxiety originally started when I had Labyrinthitis (vertigo) about 10 years ago, so I think this is why I get these feelings. Karen
HI GORDAN i always get a horrible pressure in my ears like when on aeroplane but yes if you read up anxiety symptoms it is there with many other symptoms some people get it some dont hope this helps x
HI STRUGGLINGMUM how are you doing how do you know you had vertigo what happened to you i mean what symptoms did you have hope you dont mind me asking x
I always thought there was something wrong with my ear but didn't know cz of my anxiety?? i used to have some pain but now from time to time.
had horrible night yesterday, the problem is i have IBS as well with acid reflux/heartburn so don;t know what happened on friday had pain in my stomach (top of my stomach, just between the end of my ribs in the middle) very sharp pain but at night i was better. yesterday was cleaning all day and wasn't feeling ok, very unstable and sick feeling, had quick sandwich for lunch and fixed myself tortellini for dinner, first mouthful the pain started again, waited a bit and had another bite and again very sharp one, I only managed to eat half of my plate but couldn't cope anymore with the pain, so started feeling sleepy and dozed off to wake up in 30mins throwing up everything i had don't know what is the problem, had panic before sleeping as well, not breathing properly gasping for air but herbal tea helped sleep at the end, wake up this morning bit shaky, had fresh lemon juice with honey and something small to eat, now the pain is there and afraid to eat dizzy and feeling sick, everything i eat either cause me bloating or heartburn!!!
hope everyone else is doing fine!!
HI ROURI SOUNDS like acid build up watch the lemon very acidic try eating something before you take your lemon and honey hope your day gets better i have had bad few days hardly any sleep but see neuroligist on tuesday if he thinks just anxiety then i will have to resort to meds dont want to but i can not fight this alone xx
hey love, thx for your reply, I am concerned it might be the stress i had last week come back to hunt me this week, it might be my stomach is tense and not relaxed. lemon is good, by the time reaches the stomach it becomes alkaline and not acid so it should be fine, am too scared to eat now, just had very tiny portion and was difficult to eat it!!
what is the neurologist for hun?? I have been through a lot milo and don't think meds will help, problem is GP will start giving you tablets, might suit your body and might not, side effects from it and at the end there is no guarantee it will work!! believe me i can count the days that i had enough and wanted to take tablets but i didn't, i am keeping faith and God will help.
very weird weather today, how is the weather near you???
take care and keep me updated xx
thanks very much for your answers guys,much appreciated
HI ROURI going to see neuro because g p thinks dizzy spells may be caused by lack of blood supply to brain could be arthritis in neck pinching nerve endings therefore stopping correct flow x weather is a lot cooler today very windy x speak soon x
ok good luck, i had xrays done 2 years ago to my brain and neck, nothing in my brain came up well nothing at all and my neck showed that C5 and C6 some sort of trapped nerve but this will give pain to the arm and some numbness to the fingers. GP decided that no need for specialist because nothing he can do apart from giving me neck exercises yup save some money for his bonus
lets hope is nothing serious.xx