Does the heat make your anxiety worse? - Anxiety Support

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Does the heat make your anxiety worse?

NewUserx profile image
41 Replies

So the weather has been quite hot in the uk at the moment.

Does the heat make anyone else feel worse with there anxiety?

I feel like I can’t get enough air into my body.

Also feel off balance a lot.

I have started to feel worse since the hotter weather.

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41 Replies
Mariapalmer profile image

I’m in the UK too the weather is making me feel worse too!

NewUserx profile image
NewUserx in reply to Mariapalmer

Sorry you feel that way. Glad I’m not the only one though.

I just want to enjoy the weather but the humidity of it is making me feel terrible.

Mariapalmer profile image
Mariapalmer in reply to NewUserx

It makes me feel really groggy and I suffer with dizziness and it makes that worse , I can’t eat well when it’s hot either, as miserable as I sound I cannot stand it and want winter asap haha x

NewUserx profile image
NewUserx in reply to Mariapalmer

Yeah I’m all about the winter 🙈x

Are you drinking enough water?

Tempestteapot profile image
Tempestteapot in reply to

Personally - LOADS. And it's not making a jot of a difference!!!

in reply to Tempestteapot

I wonder what could help you.

Tempestteapot profile image
Tempestteapot in reply to

Moving to Antarctica might be a start......😂😂😂

in reply to Tempestteapot

Ill meet you there 😂😂🤣

Tempestteapot profile image

Hi! I'm so glad you posted about this! The last few weeks - culminating yesterday - have been phenomenal for anxiety for me in this heat! Yesterday I was out for a couple of hours and the bright light triggered it (I'm a migraineur too). I actually ended up in the evening at the out of hours GP! I already had heightened anxiety yesterday anyway as a couple of days before, I tried one dose of a new AD and spent the whole day vomiting - never again!

I can't wait personally for autumn to arrive. I'm feeling kinda mad at myself as I knew that heat and bright sunlight was particularly anxiety provoking for me but STILL it managed to get the better of me! xxxx

NewUserx profile image
NewUserx in reply to Tempestteapot

I’m sorry that happened to you.

Yeah my anxiety is terrible anyway but Iv noticed it get a lot worse since this hot weather. It’s crazy.

Are you on medication now?

Yeah I notice my vision is a little more blurry since having anxiety and bright lights in shops seems to make that worse.

Yeah I’m definitely looking forward to autumn! Best time of the year haha

Hope you feel better soon!xxxx

in reply to Tempestteapot

Tempestteapot I too am a migraneur. Bright lights and sunny days trigger them. Are you taking anything for them?

Do you think that people who dont have anxiety might feel dizzy and that thay cnt get enough air. Maybe its just how the heat affect everyone?

Tempestteapot profile image
Tempestteapot in reply to

My husband was trying to reassure me that he and everyone else was feeling similar effects, so you're right! It's just that the 'volume' on everything is cranked up to 11 with us anxiety sufferers. Wish I could remind myself of this at the time before it all descends into blind panic. Ho hum......😮

in reply to Tempestteapot

Yes, where i live we are not used to this heat for this amount of time and a lot of people are finding it hard to manage. Its only your anxiety that makes you think it is worse for you compared to someone who doesnt have anxiety.

Tempestteapot profile image
Tempestteapot in reply to

Jimmy, i'm in Scotland (just guessing you might be too - or at least up north). We have NEVER had this. No one knows what to make of it after all these weeks, and a few people I've spoken to who don't have anxiety are saying they've had enough of it now. They'll rue their words come November....😉😂

in reply to Tempestteapot

In Northern ireland.

Same here as in Scotland, the people moaning about the heat will be moaning in November about the rain 😂😉

NewUserx profile image
NewUserx in reply to Tempestteapot

Yeah that’s true my partner said he felt dizzy and nauseous at work today with the heat. Anxiety always makes us think we are worse then we are doesn’t it :(

in reply to NewUserx

But it the anxiety that makes you think like this and anxiety cant really do you any harm. Learn to understand this and things will be easier for you.

NewUserx profile image

I’m sorry you feel the same. At least we aren’t alone. It’s horrible isn’t it.

Feel like I’m gasping for my breath more in this heat.

Yes! I live in the US in the Pacific Northwest and it's been hot. I find that with anxiety, I'm more temperature sensitive and the summer is definitely worse than the winter.

b1b1b1 profile image

Yes - in Northeast US - anxious and also physically miserable.

Want2BHappy3 profile image

Everyones different, I live in California tomorrow we'll be the beginning of a heatwave, really who likes the heat that can make anybody CRAZY... I've been ok I think my medications finally kicking in. So we'll see? Hang in there 👍

NewUserx profile image
NewUserx in reply to Want2BHappy3

Thank you! Glad your medication is kicking in!x

Want2BHappy3 profile image
Want2BHappy3 in reply to NewUserx

Yea, but Im upset now because the doctor deliberately refused to refill my medication just because she hadn't had an appointment with me. Doctors have said you don't just cut off someone from their medication, you wean them off. The soonest one was a month away. Not my fault, so I let them know I was upset, so they suddenly found a Sooner appointment.

I’m in the Middle East and it’s been 40-50 degrees which will continue till October! Even though I’ve been here 9 years I never get used to the heat! It’s a def trigger for my panic attacks

Karenk2 profile image

Actually, it does! I live in Selma, NC and it gets very hot and humid. The thermometer as of now reds 93 degrees and it’s not even 10:00in the morning, so I’m essentially stuck in the house unless I go somewhere by car. My dog doesn’t even want to go out!

I live in the US. While the heat wave was here I had your symptoms as well as nausea. I had to keep inside my room because 5 minutes in the heat made me light headed and that made me paranoid and anxious.

Tempestteapot profile image
Tempestteapot in reply to

Hi, Swan! I'm working my way through migraine preventatives as we speak. Going to try the venlafaxine again this week when Hubby is off work to give me some reassurance. If that doesn't work out, it'll be on to trying the sodium valproate. xxxx

in reply to Tempestteapot

Great, let me know how it works for you. You can inbox me.

NewUserx profile image
NewUserx in reply to

Yeah I want to enjoy the heat while we have it but my anxiety has gone through the roof :(

star68 profile image

I feel unwell with the heat, what affects me the most are the headaches I get when is really hot, as well as light headed and fatigue. I went to a concert in the park and saw people sitting in the sun drinking alcohol, dancing, happy and laughing. Me?? I was in the shade far away from the noise with a brewing migraine, got tired after an hour and went home.. Why can't I enjoy myself like they do? :(

NewUserx profile image
NewUserx in reply to star68

I know how you feel. I just want my old life back. I find it hard to enjoy anything anymore. Always get over whelmed by anxiety symptoms.

kenster1 profile image

yeah with me it does to a certain extent.people drink far to much alcohol and become different people during the hot weather I become selective to were I go with my dog.

star68 profile image
star68 in reply to kenster1

Yes, you are right, people drink far too much at these events I don't feel comfortable because I am not a drinker, I drink little occasionally and I really pay for it the next day because of my anxiety :(

NewUserx profile image
NewUserx in reply to star68

Yeah I don’t drink. Iv heard red wine can help anxiety but not sure if that’s true.

NewUserx profile image
NewUserx in reply to kenster1

Yeah I know that feeling. It’s a good job we have quite a big garden because my little dog hasn’t had many walks lately it’s been to hot I’d end up fainting!

lovedogs51511 profile image

Yes I live in the high desert in the US and its been 90 to 100s everyday and I sweat body sweats very severely 24 hours a day. They will only stop if I don't move while sitting on the couch under a ceiling fan with a.c. turn down to 70s. I'm living in hell. From my head dripping and being soaked most of the day all the way down to the back of my legs dripping. This is really severe! I'm hopeless thinking suicide is my only option! Nothing helps. I cannot work like this!! Or live!! I haven't left my couch due to it being to hot. So anxiety yes goes thru the sky not the roof!! I wish I was dead!!! Hope your situation isn't this severe but as far as anxiety getting worse in heat yes I agree. Wish I lived in the UK. Its usually cooler right?? Sounds like a blessing to be in the snow! Sorry your suffering in the heat too!! Sucks cause you can't cool off like when its cool you just put more clothes on to get warmer! Hoping the best for ya its the pits your not alone!!!!

NewUserx profile image
NewUserx in reply to lovedogs51511

Wow I can’t imagine how hot are feeling in that heat! Sorry you feel like that. I’m here if you want a chat, aww don’t wish your life away. I know the feeling though. It’s horrible not to feel yourself especially when the heats making you feel a lot worse.

Yes luckily the uk is usually cool. We haven’t had a good summer in years but we’ve definitely had a good one this year.

Just wish I could enjoy it.

I feel completely drained and tired all the time, not sure if that’s down to the weather but I wasn’t feeling this tired until the heat came along :(

Hope you start to feel better soon!x

lovedogs51511 profile image
lovedogs51511 in reply to NewUserx

Yea living in such a hot area of the U.S. is horrible!! Winters are great tho. I'm glad this summer is a good one for ya! But yea the heat can be to much at times. I sweat horrifically 24 hours a day. I mean 100 percent worse than excessive sweating. My hair gets drenched that I could ring it out plus everywhere else I sweat. So I can't leave home due to how embarrassing it is! God I'm so sick of living! The heat could be making you tired it takes a lot out of me here. Sorry,I'm so down its just extremely bad right now. To anxious to leave my apt. I'm not living so might as well die. At least I would be at peace! Hope your day,is going good!☺☺

lovedogs51511 profile image

Hoping to fall asleep due to the exhausting living!!

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