I've not felt well for the past 2 weeks this past weeks I've been very dizzy ,I was potting around our back garden yesterday and almost went head first into the pond , everything is getting to much to cope with I don’t know how I can cope anymore, this fnd is rubbish.
Not feeling well for past couple of weeks. - Anxiety Support
Not feeling well for past couple of weeks.

Hi littlecook.you have had a lot going on.what with worry of your mum.you probably exhausted.take things easy for awhile and take care of yourself,hard I know.
You could have a middle ear infection ?Feeling dizzy is such a horrible feeling
I agree with Skyp that you have a lot going on take it easy and be kind to yourself
I hope you have a better day and feel a lot better
We are all thinking of you
So sorry to hear that Apologies as I didn't see the fnd in your first post
I had to Google it as I hadn't heard of it before
I hope you won't mind me giving my opinion but I really think you should go back to your GP and ask for more help with this and keep on at them
It must be so horrible for you
My son has epilepsy so I do know a little of how this must affect you
It's so upsetting that you feel you can't take anymore and no one should be feeling like that
Take good care of yourself