I am kind of at a loss. Just when I feel like I am getting better, I have some good days and boom my anxiety is back and taking control once again. I go back to feeling like this is my life forever. I don’t want to do anything, I don’t want to see anyone and just want to sleep. I must say that I tend to feel better in the evenings but I think that’s because I know I will be sleeping soon. I currently take 100mg of Sertraline in the morning (tried to increase but that didn’t go well) and 100mg of Pregabalin. I also take 30mg of Mirtazapine and a further 100mg of Pregabalin in the evening/night. I honestly don’t know what else to do. I have CBT weekly which I do find helpful and I trie practicing mindfulness and meditation during the day which again helps. Of course on days which are the worst benzos would work a trick but they are addictive and my CPN doesn’t like prescribing them. Is that anything else I could try taking as and when required? I have tried beta blockers with no luck. I just don’t know what is missing. I work so hard to challenge my negative thoughts but I just need a break. I’m exhausted and fed up feeling this way.
Help please: I am kind of at a loss. Just... - Anxiety Support
Help please

hi Tom’ I found someone who specializes in brain re-wiring and that helped me the most! Had to pay out of pocket but it was worth it. I am sorry things are so hard right now but keep going!
I did Paxil and that worked for me. But it took me a while to find the right med. don’t lose hope! ❤️
There is nothing wrong with taking a small dose of Clonazepam. I have been taking 0.5mg nightly for 3 years and rarely do u need a small nibble in the morning if my blood pressure goes high from pain. I also take magnesium at bedtime 400mg. Vitamin D 50,000 units weekly and a a multivitamin with calcium for seniors when I remember to take it. I think the b complex helps with my depression. Hope you get some relief. I gained a lot of weight on remeron but felt happy on it. I suffer from unipolar depression with anxiety so your situation may differ but lithium and magnesium are worth a try as calming agents. Ask your doctor.
Don't give up Tom. I have been on Setraline for 30 years at 200 mg. I also take clonazepam as needed. I complerely understand the helpless feeling and depression that you are experiencing. I feel just as lost and frustrated. Take some small steps if you can. A quick scribble in a journal just to get all my thoughts and worries out has helped me. I had so much going that I couldn't keep try of all the things I was panicing over which caused more panic. You don't have to write a lot, just get it out of your head. The other thing I like to do is go outside and do something simple, maybe fix a loose board, or straighten the garage. It doesn't have to be a big task but it takes my mind off the worry and I feel better for accompling something. We have been where you are. It will get better. Keep talking and let us know you are okay.
Hi Tom, sorry to hear you are feeling so overwhelmed, you are not alone. Here is the information I wish someone had sent to me 20 years ago. drharrybarry.com/resources/ You are very much on the right track with what you are doing but it is exhausting. Is there some what you can take a break, go somewhere with friends and get away from it all? Change is a holiday etc
I’ve noticed the days I have more anxiety, the more risk factors I have. I may have forgotten to eat (or ate 💩), didn’t sleep well or didn’t do exercise and sat looking at a screen too much… so
Stines it’s because I over use my spoons (social situations take a lot of spoons for me)