been on mirtazpine 15 years been withdrawing 3 years was on 45mg down to 6mg since getting lower after 20mg my legs none stop tingling throbbing sensation and weird brain zaps none stop like my head is moving jolts also buzzing in head ears worse weird tremors like inside shivering sensation. Leg cramps prickly sensation anyone had same symptoms
mirtazpine : been on mirtazpine 15 years... - Anxiety Support
I'm on 45mg of mirtrazapine, and I was given this medication to help with all the symptoms you are getting at the moment, unfortunately my health problems were caused through drinking alcohol, and I have nerve damage from the heavy sessions of drinking, I've had issues with B12 deficiency, and they cause similar problems that are similar to the neuropathy i have,the side effects from alcohol but have the same symptoms, I don't drink anymore, but I'm sure the buzzing could be tinnitus in your ears, as for your other symptoms I rely on the medication to keep the majority of my ailments away, except the burning sensations in my feet, constant pins and needles etc, these pains come in different guises, and obviously we all try to explain symptoms differently, i would speak to your doctor perhaps and explain your concerns, best of luck!!😇
Hi i was on this drug for years Same as yoursef but did elp me but the symptoms neve go away and with flares levels going up got
Drug halted
And with psychiatrist aa to try
Pregablin as getting rolled out
It helps a lot better with antidepressant
Now on max dose helps a lot better and levels a lot lower nowc
Mirtazapine is known to be a difficult drug to withdraw from there are mirtazapine withdrawal forums with many horrendous personal stories Make sure you are eating well and looking after yourself you will eventually be ok but it will take time maybe a long time