I have had GAD most of my life. I've tried just about everything to help myself and am still battling even as a senior citizen. My worse complaint is that EVERY morning when I wake I am over whelmed with FEAR. I feel short of breath, I'm scared I will pass out. I try all the suggestions my therapist has given me to no avail. I will say it does ease off in the late afternoon. I guess I just wonder if I am the only one who is like this. Thank you.
Does Anyone Else Wake in the Morning with ... - Anxiety Support
Does Anyone Else Wake in the Morning with FEAR?

You are not alone. It's gotten worse lately. I wake up with it. I don't know what I'm afraid of
hi I have the same exact thing when I wake up my whole body is shaking. I’ve had bad anxiety all my life for years and years and years and I’ve gone to psychiatrist working with a psychologist now try to do deep breathing it’s just so hard to control. It’s just like my psychologist said I wake up and I’m just waiting for something to happen I wish I could be more helpful but I just wanted to let you know there’s plenty of people out there like us
hi kama24, you are definitely not alone in this, I have the worst time when I wake up, my anxiety is at its peak and I really struggle, like yourself I have breathlessness, fuzzy head, shakes and I’m just doubled up with fear, I feel so out of control, but I know this will pass and things will settle down, wish I had a solution for you, just wanted you to know your not alone and it’s good to chat in the morning or come on here and write down your feelings, it distracts the mind and I found it so helpful. Wishing you peace and we are here to listen
Thank you for taking the time to reply. Mornings have always been the worse. If your cortisol is too high it can cause it. I had mine checked and it was a tad high. I am so fed up with being like this. Not the way I had hoped to spend the "golden years"
Hello stranger, yes sadly you are not alone. I literally feel like death when i wake up in the mornings, and I believe mine is because my cortisol when i had a test some while ago is very high in the mornings and seems to stay too high right up until the evening when it is supposed to be low. Hence i have had to resort to taking benzos just to get to sleep. I feel anxious, nauseas and the world is about to end and I fear it is down to my existence and my age and being totally alone.
Hi there!! My cortisol was checked and jut a wee bit high. The naturopath put me on iron, B12 and D3....no, it hasn't helped but it is good to take so I will continue. I truly believe my fear has increased due to my age and over thinking about death. Hubby is going away golfing for 2 nights in June and I am beyond terrified about being alone. At least I've found out I am not alone in dealing with this horrible feeling. take care
You're not alone. I feel like this most mornings. I'm 65 and have vivid dreams and nightmares most nights. I've never had any therapy doctors just fob me off. I absolutely hate the feelings of dread and fear and check my phone first thing to see if there's any bad news. It's hell living with it but very hard to explain to people who don't suffer anxiety.
I am 74 and I have a terrible fear of death. With the fear comes shortness of breath. Nothing help. I totally understand how you feel.
Morning Kama24 ,
Please , please read Lilla Bek’s book named “ To The Light “ - First printed in 1985 , but wholly applicable in today’s world.
Your local library or AbeBooks - Lilla covers topics such as Thought Forms , Relaxation Exercises , Assimilation ( never cook if you are in a bad temper : it shows up at once in the vibration of the food ) Book covers paragraphs of :
Allergies, Vegetarian Diet , Ulcers and Cancer , Anorexia , Insecurity , Fear , Phobias , Drugs , Schizophrenia , Falling in Love , Strokes and Epileptic Fits , Suggestions for Improving the Heart , Sound , ‘ Shitting out of the Mouth ‘ , Hypnotism and Mesmerism , Shell Shock , Smoking , Breathing , Ghosts , Hearing Voices , Seeing the Invisible , Depression , Dizziness , Headaches , Angels , Reincarnation , Death .
It seems a huge book , but is 135 page usual size paperback , therefore the above topics are factually condensed in a down - to - earth easily understood.
My problem is similar and tends to be preceded by uncomfortable dreams, then wake up feeling shaky and anxious about nothing in particular. Now developed chest tightness and IBS flare-ups, which I will be discussing with the doctor on Friday.
I have this problem too. For many years now and no idea how to stop it You are not alone
We are all in a battle together. I have tried so many things to get control but no help. I have always felt I was alone in this situation. I now know I am not. I guess we just keep struggling. Take care
I feel the same way. I wish I knew why I wake up this way every day at first I thought it was my Parkinson’s but it really isn’t. It’s laying Zaidi. My anxiety is making my Parkinson’s go crazy as far as the tremors, but I can tell the difference between shaking and tremors, and this is a shaking getting up in fear about the whole day what’s gonna happen? I wish there was something just to take with no side effects, but they just help us to feel better. Try and have a great day. God bless us all.
I am so sorry you suffer from Parkinson's and the awful anxiety. I'm trying to talk to myself upon waking.....saying "you expect this so it comes....STOP" as you might guess it hasn't helped. I really get scared when I am alone, I start to "what if"....I developed siatica last Dec and now I can't even walk our dog. Again I "what if".....Fear really takes it's toll I really wonder if this is always going to be with me I am a senior and I really would like to enjoy what;s left of my life. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Dear Kama been reading your posts and it could have been written by me word for word just look at my posts,I too live my life with ( with what if) I wake every morning at 2/30 3-o’clock every morning and the anxiety kicks off followed by acute depression and I just sit and cry my eyes out ,you are not alone my Dear Friend it is a horrible thing to suffer from and like you am in my golden years. Please feel free to. message me day or night if you need to talk. Take care of yourself 💐🌈 🙏
Thank you for your kindness. Every morning for 11 yrs now its fear when I wake. I have tried every help aid. I am inclined to agree with my therapist that I now expect to wake like that! It is far worse if I am alone in the house. I have to be alone for 3 days in June and I am so scared....what it??? Our daughter and family do not live near us and can't always down to stay with me. I do find it odd that the fear usually diminishes early evening. I had my cortisol level checked but it was ok. The fear of death over comes me. I have found out from this forum that there are a lot like us. who face fear daily. If you need me, I am here.
i have had G A D for a number of years, lately in the last year this has got worse ,particularly
in the morning. i have been prescribed Duloxetine with Vitamin D 3 and Lansoprazole .
I was unaware that i had low Vit D , and i have recently been told by my G P, that i have High
Iron in my blood too.
It took 3 to 4 weeks for the Duloxetine to be effective but i still had morning anxiety plus
dizziness . I tried reducing the Colecalciferol (which included Calcium) with the Vit D,
And that reduced the loss of balance,dizzy spells and anxiety. ?
I had an issue with Calcium many years ago when i stopped taking so did the loss of balance,
the problem was the creation of `bppv `crystals!
Thank you for replying. I take Luvox and ativan. I'm also on iron, D3, B12. I have felt so down lately waking like this for 10+ yrs. I am fearful of leaving the house alone or being here alone. I have been on another new pill for 2 wks now but am having horrible dizziness. I just want to enjoy life, not live in fear. Thank you for taking the time to reply
Yes you’re not the only one. As soon as I wake my head starts to think of things that could happen and the fear of life now in general. I’m really struggling during the day every day 😢
I totally understand. It seems that with all the pills I have tried NONE helped me beat this feeling. Talking to people who understand what we are dealing with seems the best ans. The mornings are so scarey. Hang in there.
I found taking pills either did nothing or give me other side effects which made my stress/anxiety worse. It was a combination of a high pressure IT job and my late mother having dementia that started mine and now I’m stuck in a vicious circle even after taking early retirement. And you hang in as well, and we’re always here to chat or message
Yes, when I think about alllllll the different pills I tried over the years and here I am still the same.....it makes you wonder. Side effects were another issue to deal with. It seems like an easy issue to "just stop" but NOT so!! I guess all we can do is take it day by day and hope eventually we can be rid of it.
kama24. I hav felt ike you since I was 14. I’m now 51 and I still wake up in fear. It’s always worse when I have been lying on my back. It started after I got panic attacks at school. It took 30 years to find out that it was hormonal. That didn’t cure the fear though. I’ve read lots of self-help books and have had varying results from hypnosis. I don’t have a definitive answer for you but hypnosis apps and audiobooks from Amazon are worth a try. Pick one and try it every day for a month. If you’re not better, try another. The problem ism and it’s the same with me, is that it’s become a habit that’s ingrained in your subconscious, that’s why I suggest hypnosis. Best wishes and I hope and pray that you’ll find comfort and healing xx
Moose24, you are spot on with the reasoning behind continued Anxiety.
"it's become a habit that's ingrained in your subconscious" Your call for hypnosis
is what helped me overcome my fears/my negativity.
Daily Meditation upon awakening and before bed at night can override that
subconscious mind to draw in positivity while you sleep. It's so worth to try xx
Thank you for replying. I have a constant fear of death. It really increased with age....Im a senior. I tried hypnosis many years ago but the dr. could not get me to relax and "go under" Yes I believe waking with FEAR is now a habit with me. Thank you so much for understanding.
What you wrote could have been written by me. I have a fear of death 24/7 , probably not helped because I looked after my Mum 24/7 for over 20 years. She died on Mother’s Day (UK) and I feel like my job on earth is done. I have no other family and was an accident so that makes things worse. I don’t want to wallow in self pity and I know that grief is a process and will take time. I believe being around positive, healthy people will help. I couldn’t relax enough to go under either. It’s different when you’re lying in bed listening to hypnosis. Wearing earphones is supposed to strengthen the process. A lot of apps are free. They’re available on Audible but they’re not free. I get the occasional token and I use it to buy hypnosis books. Give one a try. Sometimes it’s about being positive.
Having a panic attack and being excited about something have the same chemical and physiological reactions. The difference is being anxious is terrifying and being excited feels good. All down to how we feel. Hope this helps 👍🥰
Thank you for sharing. Years ago when I dealt with anxiety and panic attacks I did not experience shortness of breath. Now I do and it is frightening. My mother was ill from the time I was 4 yrs old (Im a senior now). I was an only child and have no close friends in town. I'm going to look on youtube for possible hypnosis tapes. Right now Im battling severe dizziness too I think as a side effect from a new pill which I am going to wean myself off of. My thoughts are with you.
Funny you should mention hypnosis. I tried that twice over the years and was told am not a hypnotic subject!!!
I never could relax enough. The other day I googled it and oddly found this the lst one really got me!!....What are the negative effects of hypnosis?
Side Effects of Hypnosis
• Anxiety.
• Headaches.
• Dizziness.
• Drowsiness.
It helps to know so many of us suffer with this dreadful illness. Mine started 29 years ago when Menopause wasn’t diagnosed. I have spent thousands on all different therapies, hypnosis never helped. I even tried Transendental Meditation that the Beatles used in India. I asked my GP about Magic Mushrooms but he didn’t have a clue. I bet he thought Mad old woman wanting a trip. Luckily I do get months when I am anxiety free and I enjoy every minute. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to feel that way all the time. Lots of free videos on Utube. Everyone take care x
You are right, we feel so alone until we hear of others like us. Oh you are so lucky to get some good months. I started to really get worse in high school....and on off in my 20s. I actually was able to travel places in my 30s and live a life then it was all down hill but I got through. Now I'm in my 70s and worse than ever. I have a horrific fear of death and that is there daily along with the fear and shortness of breath. I tried CBD oil and THC gel caps.....NOTHING. I'm so lucky to have an understanding husband of 54 yrs. thank you for responding
I have been in a similar situation. I’ve mostly benefited from meds such as Effexor and Abilify. Ask about propranolol also and it will lower your heart rate and blood pressure. I hope this helps.
you are NOT alone. I too wake up every morning very anxious. I find myself getting mad at myself for feeling anxious which makes me more anxious. Currently having a really hard time breaking this cycle. By the afternoon I’m fine. Mornings are a struggle though. Hang in there. We’re all in this together
Thanks so much for sharing.....it could of been me who wrote YOUR response....I get so fed up with myself and mornings are the worse. I can't wait for the let up in late afternoons. It sounds crazy but...it helps to know Im not alone.
I recently read about taking Gabapentin before you go to bed for morning anxiety.
ohh. I occasionally take it for sleeping. I do notice that when I take it, my morning anxiety is lower than normal.
I did take it for a few months after my therapist mentioned it to me but it did nothing for my morning fear. That seems to be my story with everything I try. Thank you for the suggestion though,
Have you tried ashwagandha? It lowers cortisol which is i think is high in the mornings.
. I can't send photos in a message for some reason
60 days but I haven't given it a chance yet. In any case I don't intend ending up in hospital again trying to lift it down 😫
I'll see if it has any effect on the pain and wellbeing but so far am not back to how I was before thinking i was geriatric tarzan. If I lose the £800 so be it.I know you would help me if you could. I have 3 really good friends but I wouldn't like them to strain themselves. "blood is thicker than water" I think a load of rot. Just spotted you've sent me a message. Will look later. Take care x
Happy Canadian Mother's Day! Much cooler today, only 15c. I'm anxious for the heat to return. Still battling the nausea and fear, nothing changes I guess
Really sorry, I don't think there is anything worse than continual nausea. I had that for almost 4 years due to hyperparathyroidism which was ignored by our "wonderful" health service in the UK. Ended up paying in excess of £11k for private operation.
Hello,I'm so sorry to hear what you have,I have it for 45 yrs( I'm 66),I wake,and it starts,fear,plus nausea and off balance,I've been through every medical test including,brain scan and cardiac angiogram,just in case it was physical,I've done all the therapies,and I mean ALL of them but I still have fears and worries every morning,but I'm still alive and somehow manage to get up and go for the day.You need to know that you are a very brave person to even get up and have your day,to face the world that scares you so well done,being fearful doesn't mean your weak take 1 minute to realise your braveness hope you have some good bits today if not have them tomorrow,take care
Thank you for such a kind caring reply. My husband thinks that this is how it;s going to be for me I still hope one day will be the magic one. Like you I've tried everything and had everything done in the way of tests. I find the fear worse when I am alone in the house. I put the radio on and talk to my dog Lets hope one day all of us will find we are waking to enjoy life and no more anxiety. Take care.
Hello Everyone. I have had GAD most of my adult life. I have had many many mornings waking up with severe anxiety even if I went to bed feeling mostly calm. I have been voluntary hospitalized 3 times. Anxiety runs in my family. My Father had it. My 29 year old son has some. I have tried many drugs including SSRIs, benzo, Atarax etc. There has only been one drug that has made life tolerable and taken care of the fear most of the time. I found out about this drug from someone else who had the same problem and said the same thing to me. It’s an old tricyclic med called Anafrinil or Chlormiprimine Hydrochloride. I have been off and on it several times and each time I have been off it the same thing happened with anxiety and fear and each time I got back on the same thing happened with anxiety/fear relief. I have been on it since 2017 this last time and I definitely grateful for being able to have it in my life. I still have anxiety and fear sometimes in morning but it helps with management of it. Just wanted to pass along something that most people don’t prescribe any more but has been very helpful!
The mornings are really hard for me also. I'm retired and live alone. I wake up and my first thoughts are, I don't want to be here. I don't want to live another day with Depression. It's really awful living with this disease. I'm 62. I am going to Depressed Anonymous meetings every morning and that helps. And I'm taking Ketamine everyday. At night I'm not depressed. But the morning is horrible.
I totally understand how you feel. I am a lot older than you and it scares me the "what ifs" As soon as I open my eyes in the morning fear takes over. I am thankful that normally it starts to lessen by afternoon but I still know I will wake in the same state the next day. If only we could find an instant cure. Take care.
I wish I could help you, but I have the same thing going on with me
Thank you. I know I shouldn't google but I just looked up what can cause tingling in the leg & foot. There are some very serious causes and of course my mind it going wild now. We just got a family dr. after 2 yrs without and I will be seeing him in a couple of weeks. I just hope he doesn't suggest any involved testing. My anxiety goes wild. I guess for now all we can do is hang in there together.
I can relate and understand where you’re coming from. I had my first anxiety attack at 23 and am turning 60 next month. I’ve gone days, weeks and years feeling fine and I’ve gone days on end feeling awful. I too have tried everything but still have episodes that drive me crazy. I know it’s hard. Hang in there.