I went through an experience that I can’t explain it made me think that I had died in that experience and I don’t know if I’m alive because every time I go to sleep the thing that happened that made me feel like I was dead happens and I keep getting signs and synchronicities that I am like I would search up a Bible verse of a number like 234 to see if it’ll have some sort of message and I saw something like in the Bible god said when a person goes through the shadow of death he’s with them something like that and I saw more Bible verses about death it’s like I feel like I’m dying soon and I feel like I’m getting showed signs that I really am especially from god
impending doom: I went through an experience... - Anxiety Support
impending doom

Hi. This just started happening right after you got high? Did you have any symptoms before that experience? And how long ago was the high?
It is known that drugs can bring on mental issues. Even smoking weed, can affect one's mental state. It is possible, that whatever drug you used, could've contributed to some chemical-interaction with your mind. I am not in the medical field, but I have read about these things happening.
And this part I'm just wondering; maybe the drug was too strong, or used, like you had said, too much, that it had a lingering affect.
That's why I asked how long ago the high was. Possibly, something is still going on as a result if it.
Again, I really don't know, it just sounds possible.
yes it did for two weeks I thought I was dead and couldn’t sleep but a week later I started seeing things about death like skulls and asi was thinking about it I saw a cemetery on the side of me when I was one home in the Uber ever since then I’ve been getting signs and things like that and no I did not have any type of symptoms before this happened and the high happened February 4
I hope that’s the case bcs I’ve been seeing way to many signs constantly
Can you go to your dr, GP? Just tell them what happened? You would get some answers, I'm sure.Don't worry about what you would tell them. They are there to help. Anything you tell your Dr is between you and them.
it doesn’t work because they all keep saying it’s anxiety and I’m just like omg
It doesn't sound like anxiety. It seems like you don't think so either. I don't know how they could think that w/ the symptoms you are having.
Do you have anyone else you can talk to? A friend, relative who can just be there for support?
um tbh no bcs my relatives aren’t the type of people who would like rlly be there and listen and understand what I need to say