Anxiety Toward God : I feel so anxious at... - Anxiety Support

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Anxiety Toward God

Veg_Gal profile image
16 Replies

I feel so anxious at the idea of obeying God, it's nerve wrecking to even think that there is a God watching my every move and is angry with me. I'm so driven by fear instead of from my heart I've just decided to put this aside and heal psychologically before considering religion I guess. I feel a lot more peace doing this but in the back of my mind or at certain instances i have panicking thoughts of God punishing me if I disobey and it drives me crazy. I'm so concerned with doing the right thing yet I feel this is even a false interpretation of God. I can't listen to sermons or read my Bible it causes anxiety I don't know why others have peace and I don't. They tell me information about God's love but if doesn't come through in my mind now....I used to feel good about God's love

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Veg_Gal profile image
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16 Replies
kevoreally profile image

Ah the good ol religion! The biggest scare factor known to mankind!

Lets begin with my fears based off religion and views

Soooo um I believe that religion is the biggest war since (my religion) religion tells me if I do certain things its a sin or if I dont do certain things that were defined as a sin lifes a bit boring well thats my predicament I wanna just live my life the way I want too after all we are only given one life so why can’t I choose how I live it? But then there are those we say we never had a choice to begin with.. that kinda freaks me out because this “PLAN” is set in stone does that mean I was orginally planned out to see this post and respond? Ill nrver know all I know is I came across this post and had knowledge anf afvice on the topic at hand so we shall never know about this “plan” type of idea..

the other thing is religion has so many rules and if you don’t follow them you oto hell well in my honest opinion we are all in the same game just different levels dealing with the same hell just different devils

Religion has given me so much anxiety because of these ideas and theres just way too much rules and I just wanna live this life the way I want I was always scared and asked religious people how do you follow the bible and not worry that your not truly living or that your doing all this for nothing their response

Is rather do all this for nothing than party and go against it and find out there is a God and go to hell.. well in conclusion I just had to remove religion from my life all together and just do things that I felt was the right thing to do help others love all and try your very best

I cant go in a church aith out being very anxious so trust me I get it! Hearing sermons I used to love church now I go in one and I just freak out get panicky idk what it is about it but I always thought I was posessed because I know demons don’t like being in a church lol but that was such a drastic over worked anxiety filled brain lmao im not posessed haha never saw a Ghost and I dont think I believe in them either but again if I saw one that would change my mind but its just hard to believe unless you see I guess

Sorry im rambling point is your not the only one

HearYou profile image
HearYou in reply to kevoreally

"God" means different things to many people. And there is that old question "Did God create man, or did men "create"God". For as far back as our current has delved into history, we know mankind hoped to eventually join with a superior force than itself. All the man made rules appear,come and get modified and go through the years. Am giving "god" a respite now for awhile too, and let all the billions of universes be "god" for a while.

Veg_Gal profile image
Veg_Gal in reply to kevoreally

This is such an awesome response. Thank you, I feel like if God is real He is love and following him would be based on a relationship. I'm so sick of this panic I've just realized the cycle, I'm thankful for that and feel more peace just seeking what is true at this point.

Starrlight profile image

I believe God is love and He is everywhere inside and around us, but with my depression and anxiety the truth gets tainted I think. I feel God is out to punish me mostly although deep inside I know He wants to give Mercy. Yes I agree seeking truth gives a certain peace and freedom. I ask God to guide me.

Veg_Gal profile image
Veg_Gal in reply to Starrlight

I feel you on that, so many people have told me about the truth but it's like I'm stuck in a web of lies, my mind just doesn't comprehend it as a reality consistently. All together when I stop trying is when I feel he most content . I try to see God in nature, in people's kindness, in the sun shining on me that's all I understand to be peace

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to Veg_Gal

Interesting when you stop trying u r more content, I understand that. How you see peace is beautiful. I’m trying to capture peace today but not try too hard to keep hold of it in fear it will float away.

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to Starrlight

I also get stuck in lies about myself how I’m worthless and how the world is all unfriendly etc...

Veg_Gal profile image
Veg_Gal in reply to Starrlight

Same, from others perspective I feel like my view of God is really tainted right now, where I find truth, God is there. Yet it's hard to tell whats the truth and what's the lie? Surely I feel God would lead those who are seeking truth. I've thought that way too!!

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to Veg_Gal

I hear ya. What really is true? It’s a struggle. I believe deep in my soul that a God is the loving creator but then I have times when I question that He even is on my side or even that He exists. I used to cry out to Him for help and worship Him and I would get help but these days it seems I cry out and say my thanks with no response but maybe I have to learn patience and then I become sad and angry because I’ve been suffering for so long with what seems like no help. I will keep trying, doing what is right the best I can and keep a good heart. I wish He would send a sign, you know, something to lift us up, give hope.

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to Starrlight

Also, I too get anxiety from reading the Bible sometimes, even thinking of God.

Jeff1943 profile image

Someone once said the only thing wrong with religion and socialism is the people who support them. Stop blaming God for the actions of mortals for He has been badly served by so many who claim to act in His name. The Bible has been written and rewritten and edited and added to and jingled and jangled by all kinds of people to serve their own agendas and to control populations. You know what's right and what's wrong, that's all you need.

So no need to get hung up on religion, work out why you have anxiety, what went wrong and how you can recover. That's enough to keep anybody busy for the moment.

designguy profile image

I read somewhere a few years ago that the majority of people in therapy come from some sort of fundamentalist religious background. My own background and questioning of therapists, supports this. I was raised as a pentecostal christian with all of the guilt, judgement and small-mindedness that goes with it. I now have nothing to do with church and religion.

My own belief after much trial and reflection is that religion is institutionalized spiritualism but it's the dogma and frailties of man that poisons it. It's revealing to me that nowhere in the Bible are there any actual writings from Jesus. I believe the Bible is a book of history, fables and folklore that was not meant to all be taken literally. I also don't believe in the concept of "original sin" that it has been misinterpreted and blown completely out of proportion. The church and religion have an odious history of control, subjugation, violence and death. More people have been killed fighting over religion than fighting over land and resources or anything else throughout history, and continue to be.

I believe that what Jesus and all of the other great teachers like Buddha, Ghandi, etc... were teaching is unconditional love. Unconditional love for ourselves, others, this planet and all living creatures and life itself. The god-force or life-force is present and exists in all of us all of the time. It's up to us to tune in and tap into it through awareness and acceptance without judgement. The only "truth" is unconditional love.

The fallacy of church and religion is that it is conditional and judgmental, the antithesis of the true teaching of Jesus and spirituality. Religion is a human construct in an attempt to explain spirituality and the unknown. It's frailty is that it was created by man in his own image, weaknesses and limitations.

The answers, peace and acceptance are already in you. Start trusting yourself and seek what is best for you.

I got pretty philosophical here, hope this helps.

Jeff1943 profile image

This is very good stuff, designguy, all very true. People who experience near death experiences always describe the feeling as euphoric and a feeling of 'unconditional love' and one-ness with nature and all living things. As you have also said. That message has been hijacked by cranks, crooks and conmen through the ages. You don't need priests and pastors and bishops and churches. All you need is your soul.

I am in this same exact situation !

Starrlight profile image

The way I see it now is a bit changed as I’ve left religion behind. I want to be close to God like in my past for times and stretches but now I feel God abandoning and punishing me. Maybe it’s the illness. Even though I’m in a better place than I used to be I feel far from God. I’m am continuing to pray to Him for guidance and say prayers with my kids for well being and protection.

I believe there are different paths leading to the same beautiful heavens. I believe only God knows our hearts perfectly and sees our good intentions.

Sometimes I question that God exists entirely... not that there is no God out there at all but that it’s just not what we think.

izzy01 profile image

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:17

It’s not about religion Jesus did not set any religion it’s all about having a relationship with him. Yes God is love and he is always there with he’s hands open ready for us to come to him and surrender everything to him, our problems our sickness our sins..God is with you and satan is the one putting all the negative thoughts in your head I use to be the same way scared to go to church scared to hear he’s word.. But when I truly surrendered it all to him with heart all that fear was gone.! Don’t give up on him because he will never give up on you!! God bless take care

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