If you could some up your life with one song what would it be. I thing The Long And Winding Road by the Beatles
Song pick: If you could some up your life... - Anxiety Support
Song pick
This is an old song that my mom use to sing and play the guitar to.
"Che Sera Sera" (Whatever will be, will be)
There are no answers in life. It's a journey. As we arrive to our different
destinations, we learn and we experience the answers to our questions. xx
Very good post but sometimes the fear of the unknown scares me
It's normal Trainchaser to feel fear and anticipation of the unknown.
However, if we don't, we will stay in a never- ending cycle of fear.
Time goes by whether we accept the unknown or cower in fear.
Don't allow Anxiety to trap you by it's lies. xx
All of that is true but hard emotionally to handle Not having a good day today. Rick
Hi Rick, I'm sorry today seems to be a hard day for you. It happens but when
it continues and starts robbing you in living that's when you need to readdress
the situation.
4 months ago, you stated in one of your posts that you felt you were taking too
much medication. Sometimes, too much keeps us trapped in a never ending cycle
of fear, anxiety and what ifs.
I am not a doctor and can only go by my own experiences. At one time, being on
so many drugs for different issues caused me to want to do nothing but sleep.
Napping became my escape but was it worth it when I woke up to immense fear?
Life is meant to live and not sleep it away. Have you approached your doctor on
these ongoing feelings? Maybe the meds no longer work.
Maybe it's time to add something more than meds and therapy. That is daily methods
in working on your fears in life. Medication only goes so far but unless the mind is
retrained to accept the bumps in the road, we continue struggling. Just a thought xx
I have a appointment with my doctor in a couple of weeks. I have a list of questions for him. I try to slow things down but sometimes seems a uphill battle. I worry about many things that have not occurred. Sometimes I can stop the cycle and other times it spins out of control. I am feeling better now than I did earlier
As for the things that have not occurred, i call them my "what ifs", I immediately
ask myself out loud, "does this help me?" Of course the rational answer is "No"...
And then I continue on with my day. It takes practice and perseverance
but eventually the brain will respond with a more positive approach. xx
That song gets me every time It has been a long and winding road for me too but as it says" Lead me to your door " I believe that door is peace and freedom from fear
We will get there
All the very best x