I started Sertraline 12 days ago for my anxiety. The Sertraline has heightened my anxiety but I’m trying to manage it with meditation, distraction and exercise. For the most part holding it together . Last night day 13, I had the worst anxiety attack . None of my methods to bring it down worked I resorted to a lorazepam . I’m discouraged and scared this anxiety is getting worse. I know there are ups and downs but I’m losing faith . Maybe it’s just the adjustment to the meds ?
I need hope : I started Sertraline 12 days... - Anxiety Support
I need hope

Hello Cashew1964,
I am sorry to hear you are struggling with anxiety. I was diagnosed with anxiety in 2016 and the 3 years to 2019 I struggled and was beginning to lose hope. I thought I would never recover. I know what you going through must be frightening but there is hope of recovery. It seem you are already being proactive in trying to deal with your anxiety. I will share a few tips that helped me manage my anxiety the majority if the time.
The video in the link below put on my on road getting to grips with my anxiety. The video is by DR Steven Hayes and he is the pioneer of Acceptance and Commencement Therapy (ACT).
After listening to the talk in the above video I was led to the book in the link below. Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life is an excellent book. working through this book really helped my understand my anxiety and put on the road to recovery.
Another good book based on ACT is The Happiness Trap. This book is a little more user friendly I think.
I would recommend working through the books above if you have not already do so. I know we are different and we react different to different types of therapy, but o think its well worth trying one of the above books.
Over the years I have also found Dare, The New Way to End Anxiety and Panic Attacks. this book come with a handy apo too.
I hope you find the above information and useful and it helps you with your anxiety. I am sure other members will also prove plenty of excellent advice.
Good luck and please do not hesitate to ask any question that might have.
wow ! That is such awesome advice ! I wish you were around in my dark suffering days ! So helpful!
Thank you so much for sharing your info. I'm eager to read/see it all.
Hello Judi1234, I am sure you will the find the talk by Dr Steven Hayes fascinating and the book are a good resource too. I think its worth downloading the TED Talks app. The app is free and there is so much excellent information on there.
Thank you, IamAli
I've been having problems with my phone and all the excellent info you sent me has been lost. Would you kindly post it again? MUCH THANKS!!
Great suggestions! Thanks for the Steven Hayes video you included. I enjoyed it very much! I learned some new diffusion techniques from it. I haven’t read The Happiness Trap yet, but you’ve reminded me to check it out. A few months ago, I listened to Harris’s The Confidence Gap, and it was so helpful.
please give the medicine time to work! I promise you it will get better ! Try to distract yourself in the meantime . I am Ali gave some wonderful advice as well ! There is hope !
Hi. I'd call you doctor and tell him what's happening. If you med is making you more anxious, I'd want to get off it. But you've got to speak to him/her ASAP.
hope is there you must see it, even through the darkness. Easier said than done but use your tools, move around get fresh air, read. Re adjust- walk, talk, keep those you trust close to you and above all else smile. You are alive, a vibrant soul with much to see and do yet in this world.
The medicine will work and if the trend continues schedule an appointment with your doctor. Never put that off if it worsens.
sounds like you need adjustment to the meds that usually takes anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks so I’m told to get the full effect of the drugs we always get setbacks. You can feel like you’re doing so well and then all of a sudden have a setback but that’s normal. I hear you about doing everything possible to get the anxiety down, I have the same problem do you belong to Dare I do I read Dr. Claire weeks book that help me a lot and the Dare apps are good also excellent
Hello, Cashew. I am having the exact same experience on sertraline. Today is my day 12. I'm seeing my PCP today for an ekg and will ask about this. Also, Friday I'm finally able to see a psychiatrist. This might be normal as bodies adjust to the medication, but it sure is worrisome and uncomfortable. Like you, I exercise and try to distract myself in other ways. I found a free meditation app with various programs, some short, some up to 30 minutes. Most focus on breathing. Sometimes nothing helps. I'm looking for answers on how to move forward successfully and get my life back.
Yes, you are right, it's more than likely your just trying to adjust to the changes and the meds. It can take sertraline 2 to 3 weeks before it starts to make noticeable changes so try to relax some and give it time to work. Your anxiety causes you to hyperfocus on your feelings and sensations and blow them out of proportion. The important thing to understand is that anxiety is a paradox and the more you fight and resist it the more it persists so try to not fight it, and I know it's easier said than done.
Hi things will get better I promise you I thought im going to die with anxiety believe me I had all the symptoms the worsed symptom was dizziness 24/7 Im 100% free from anxiety and it took me 6 years struggling
Hey, Cashew, this is my update from the last time I posted. Now I've seen a psychiatrist who told me the maintenance doses of the meds the nurse practitioner prescribed still aren't high enough to be therapeutic. She's gradually increasing doseage and doing it over a longer period of time than the nurse practitioner did. New meds and dosage changes take weeks or even months to work, so I'm not there yet, but I feel like I'm in better hands with the psychiatrist. Plus, I see her again in 3 weeks. The nurse practitioner only sees people every 5 weeks. That doesn't work for me. The EKG was normal, and the psychiatrist also reviewed my bloodwork. She said I'm in really good health, but I told her I felt my brain was broken. That's what it feels like now.