hello. I had an awful anxiety attack that started on Sunday. I used to have them in the past as well as depression but taking sertraline 3 times a week helped keep things under control. I’m menopausal and on HRT and I think it’s related. I spoke to a GP who prescribed propranolol for the physical symptoms, which were tingling hands and feet, couldn’t eat, knot in my stomach, palpitations, unable to sleep etc. I’ve been given 10mg to take 3 times a day. I’ve had 5 so far (since Monday night) and today i’m feeling very weak in my arms, tired and a bit dizzy. Im assuming this is side effects of it? I’ve also been told to up my sertraline so instead of taking it on Monday Wednesday and Friday I’ve taken it every day so far. Im hoping these side effects will pass? I suffer with health anxiety as well so the new side effects aren’t really helping me. Thanks for any advice or tips with this.
propranolol : hello. I had an awful anxiety... - Anxiety Support

I always felt my heart beat faster somehow on these more so if I was doing anything physical and I sweated buckets on them didn`t fancy them sure at that time I wasn`t on any other meds though.
It's hard to tell when you change two medicines at once which one is doing it.
Hi, I am sorry to hear you're having a hard time,
I have been taking propanalol as and when i need them for years, I have not heard of any real side effects on them they just slow your system down a bit.
I would say try and persevere because personally they have been a game changer for me, i can go from full on Anxiety attack to calm and relaxed within half an hour if i take one. The sensations you're feeling could be from your body being so tensed up from the Anxiety , my arms and neck often feel a bit off if i've been anxious.
I really hope they help you as much as they have done me,
thank you for replying. I’m wondering if as it’s the lowest dose of 10mg three times a day it might not be enough to make much difference. I’ve had a really bad day of crying and feeling not right. I’ve never had an anxiety episode last so long. I might speak to my doctor tomorrow and see if I can take a higher dose of the propranolol.
So sorry to hear you are having a bad time. Menopause can cause all kinds of problems to mental health and physical problems too. I always feel weak the day after I have an event that causes me anxiety, I think it is the tension in my muscles. When we have a physical thing like a cut finger for example it takes a while to heal. So does an anxiety event, we just can't see the damage. Take time to recover, you are adding and changing tablets which may affect your body too. You can always ask a pharmacist if you are worried about side effects. Take care of yourself and I hope you feel a little better soon,
thank you for replying. Today has been a real struggle, I’ve had several blips of winding myself up and crying, it’s like I’m battling with my brain. I just want it to go away. I’ve never had an anxiety episode last so long, it’s been 5 days. I felt so much better yesterday.
Sorry you are struggling. I hope you are feeling a bit better today. Try and talk to your Gp if not phone 111 and ask for advice. I would not alter your meds without advice. Just talking to someone and getting advice may help. Take care x
Hi! I was v interested to read your post as I’ve just been prescribed propanalol for similar reasons. Like you I’m on HRT and antidepressants. Ironically I’m feeling anxious about taking them 🥴
I have all the same symptoms as you describe, tingling hands and feet, heart racing etc which renders me inert. It’s having such an impact on my life. I have a review in 2wks so I’ll give it a try.
Hope things have improved for you xx
I needed to read this .I’ve had a horrible week anxiety related… and now I have muscle pains all over my body especially back and arms… this makes my anxiety even worse but I have to understand that my body is just trying to recover.
I’m also on Sertraline & 160mg of propranolol. If it’s any consolation I’ve had no issues with propranolol,quiet the opposite..they are great for the physical symptoms of Gad I find ..not perfect of course but it’s a great help
Hope that helps a bit ..all the best
The propranolol hasn’t helped tonight. I took it 3 hours ago and I’ve got tingling hands and toes, I feel nauseous and cold. Ugh! I hate it.
I hated propranolol with a passion. It did the same to me, dropping my b/p
to an all time low. Please contact your doctor regarding this medication. It
is not a simple calming pill like a benzo.
Also adjusting 2 medications at once is more likely confusing you as to what
is causing your symptoms. Please let us know what your doctor recommends.
My best to you. I understand what you are going through right now. xx
sorry to hear this. Hope it settles for you. I know with my health anxiety every time I have taken a new tablet I feel anxious and hone in on any possible symptoms. Could you take 2 in the morning and see if the increased 20mg dose helps a bit and then top up with the 3rd later. Propranolol slows your heart rate so the chances are it will make you feel a bit ‘weird’.
Maybe a discussion about your HRT dosage too? From a perimenopause sufferer with palpitations sending strength. It’s a horrible phase of life and can cause some weird symptoms
thank you all for responding. I’m doing better, I still have the odd blip but I think the meds are working. I spoke to my gp who said to up it to 20mg if I felt I needed to. I will have to contact them again though as I’m not sure if I’m supposed to take it all the time or just as when needed. How is my body supposed to get used to it if I just take it as and when?